9 best Seed picks for this yeargreenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread |
Just in time for spring gardens, the All-America Selection organization has introduced nine spectacular new winners. The awards (the plant world's equivalent of the Oscars) showcase the best of the best. To win, seeds are grown in test plots and gardens throughout North America, and are rated for performance, production and endurance.The flowers and vegetables that have come out on top this year are tolerant of diseases and are low maintenance, yet still produce in very hot or very cold weather. But more than that, they are all super-easy to grow. There is even a new white onion -- of all things -- that defies the short day requirements of other onions. This one actually grows through the long, hot days of summer.
Also in Lawn and Garden
· Sowing Seeds 101
· Be a Careful Catalog Consumer
· Catalog Your Spring Garden
· Start Heirloom Seeds Look for these new seeds and bedding plants at local garden centers, mail-order sources and online. And now, without further ado, the (seed) envelope, please!
Zinnia "Profusion White'' This single-flowering daisy-shaped white zinnia was awarded the AAS gold medal, outclassing every other flower in the running. It can be easily grown from seed and requires minimal garden care, an elusive combination that plant breeders love so much. But the real selling point of "Profusion White'' is its mildew tolerance. It continues to flower well into fall when every other zinnia in the garden has been knocked out by powdery mildew.
Sunflower "Ring of Fire'' Eye-boggling color is what this sunflower is all about. "Ring of Fire'' aptly describes the unusual design. There is a deep mahogany red ring surrounding the chocolate-brown flower center, but the petal edge is gold so that people and pollinators can find it. The multi-branching plant grows about 4 1/2 feet tall and does well in containers. Gorgeous as a cut flower, it is long living in floral arrangements.
Eustoma "Forever Blue'' Blue is a magic color in the garden and "Forever Blue'' is good for sunny borders because its tones don't fade. Originally a North American wildflower, this particular Eustoma has been bred with two superior traits: A branching habit that results in a lush, full plant; and freedom of bloom that assures continued flowering throughout the growing season. As a bonus it is tolerant of extremely hot and dry summer conditions.
Nicotiana "Avalon Bright Pink'' There is nothing subtle about this nicotiana. The plant is literally covered with bright pink flowers that jump out at you, demanding attention. The AAS judges noted the freedom of bloom and the plant's ability to adapt to cold, wet weather, then hot summer conditions. Nicotiana is a favorite of hummingbirds and butterflies, which makes this pink version extra special.
Portulaca "Margarita Rosita'' A sun-loving moss rose that is highly drought tolerant, "Margarita Rosita" thrives in hot growing conditions. The thick, fleshy leaves retain moisture so it is a good choice for containers and strawberry pots.
Tomato "Jolly'' A catchy name for a distinctly shaped tomato, "Jolly'' is a large cherry-type tomato with a peach shape and a point at the end. The pink color is deep, almost rose, and the fruit grows in clusters like grapes. The tomato has a sweet flavor, plus the distinction of being almost crackless.
Sweet corn "Honey Select'' Plant breeders like to fiddle with corn, and this year's AAS contender is noted for its "wide'' harvest window and tender eating quality. Also, isolation is not required so any gardener can grow it anywhere without concern about other corn plants and pollen. This corn is a yellow hybrid TripleSweet variety.
Pepper "Giant Marconi'' The catchword here is "giant'' these peppers grow 8 inches long and 2 to 3 inches wide. The size makes them perfect for grilling and the taste is a sweet smoky flavor. Bred in Italy, the pepper is elongated, tapering to blunt point with two to four lobes. It starts off green but matures to red as the season progresses.
Onion "Super Star'' This is the AAS's big surprise, because in the past, onions rarely impress AAS judges. (The last onion to win AAS was 53 years ago.) "Super Star'' is a white, sweet, globe onion that grows up to 1 pound in size. It is adaptable to all growing conditions because it is the first day-length neutral white onion. Other onions require short days or long nights to bulb. "Super Star'' can also be grown in the fall in mild, short-day conditions. It takes 100 days from seed to harvest.
-- Anonymous, April 04, 2001