Yourdon claims it wasn't his idea? : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Mutiny on the Timebomb?


-- Anonymous, April 04, 2001


bump to new answers for those to lazy to check new questions...

-- Anonymous, April 04, 2001

thanks for the bump Carl, but I saw the original already.


-- Anonymous, April 04, 2001

Please note Ed didn't say it wasn't his idea--he asked if a decision had been made to move TB. That's not to say he didn't SUGGEST it or that he didn't take part in any prior discussion--only that he wasn't aware of any DECISION.

I have to say that Ed has shown very little, almost no interest in TB for the last year. When I last corresponded with him, a month or so ago, he said he didn't know I had left and started my own forum--despite a blizzard of over a hundred e-mails around the time I had my disagrement with the sysops and left and despite innumerable posts on TB since last September/October.

I think you know there is no love lost between me and a couple of the ex-TB sysops, so please trust me when I say give a little more credibility to the sysops and a little less to Ed.

-- Anonymous, April 04, 2001

get, I just saw this, and I think we have the same take on what may have happened... I wish them all well, but will prolly be found at Hot stuff.....

-- Anonymous, April 04, 2001

I'm not an insider at any of Ed's other boards. That said, I have been following Ed's writings post-rollover. It is my opinion that he, along with Michael Hyatt, Karen Anderson, and others, would like to move on and no longer be associated with any of the original Y2K forums. As I recall, both Hyatt and Anderson switched the focus of their websites to prepping for the future about February of 2000 or so, and Hyatt's discussion boards changed drastically, which caused the formation of the Abundant Living forum (if I recall my history correctly).

My rambling point is this: Ed is the last "hold out" of the crowd to have a board so closely associated with Y2K. I suspected it was a matter of time before he disassociated his name from the board in some way. I figured that the name TB2000 would just be changed and that he would quietly drop out of sight in that corner of cyberspace, and perhaps that will still happen, but the sudden departure of most of the sysops has caused a ripple among those who follow such things, making it difficult for a quiet transition. And perhaps Ed does need to answer for some transgression(s). I don't know.

And I'm now getting into areas that are none of my business, so I will step back and attempt to listen without prejudice.

-- Anonymous, April 04, 2001

chuck posted this on Hot Stuff....

e-mail from EY:


I've gotten email from several of you individually in the past day or two, sometimes speaking on an individual basis, and sometimes speaking on behalf of a few individuals...

I don't claim to know all of the facts leading up to the current dispute, but it appears that the essential items are these: [snip to relevant portion]

For the last several months, I've only been an occasional visitor to the TBY2K forum, so I can't really say that I understand the current atmosphere, environment, battles, squabbles, attacks, or counter-attacks -- nor do I have any sense of who the key players, trolls, or spokespeople for various points of view might be. I have a sense that there's a lot more posting about quasi-fundamentalist religious themes than was true a year or so ago, but I don't know if this is at all related to the problem...

It seems to me, though, that if the sysops can't agree amongst themselves about common protocols, procedures, behaviors, etc., then there's very little chance of being able to present a united, consistent set of policies for the forum participants to follow. When I was actively involved as a sysop, I recall that we were all pretty good about discussing "serious" actions (like banning someone) and attempting to get a consensus before we did anything. The apparent unilateral nature of items #2 and #3 above seem to violate the spirit of that mode of behavior, and sets a dangerous precedent for the future...

Having said all that, I don't feel that I'm in any position to impose any kind of decision by fiat; I've known all of you long enough to like you and respect you individually, but I don't feel that I know enough about the history of disagreements and disputes culminating in the current situation to be able to make a fair decision. I do have a limited amount of time that I can devote over the next few days to try to mediate a peace treaty between everyone involved, if that would be helpful. If not, then I suggest that you elect an official "chief sysop" and let him/her decide how to resolve the disagreement. My hunch is that something like this will probably be necessary, and that the forum will then gradually take on a new -- and hopefully more cohesive -- "personality". (BTW, if that does happen, I would like it to be moved to a new spot on ezBoard so that my name won't be associated with it, and people won't assume that I'm intimately involved.)

I'm sorry that I can't wave a magic wand and create an instant solution to the problem. I'm happy to continue the dialog with everyone about this, but I probably won't have the time or opportunity to carry on a whole series of individual and "private" conversations, especially if it's the equivalent of talking behind someone's back ... wherever possible, I think ALL of the sysops should be copied on any messages related to this issue.

Thanks, Ed

[It was determined that the differences were irreconcilable.

C It is hard to trim the sails when everyone is manning the pumps. stolen shamelessly from a TYR poster

-- Anonymous, April 04, 2001

Ed consistently demonstrates that he's a very classy guy.

-- Anonymous, April 04, 2001

As a former sysop, I have to say I was disappointed when I saw this note from Ed. He had been provided with details and supporting info about problems that had occurred and he chose to throw it all back at the sysops, as in, ". . .I suggest that you elect an official 'chief sysop' and let him/her decide how to resolve the disagreement.' Chuck seemed to be that 'chief sysop' and went on to 'resolve the disagreement.' Ed said he thought "that something like this will probably be necessary, and that the forum will then gradually take on a new -- and hopefully more cohesive -- 'personality'."

And then he added, "BTW, if that does happen, I would like it to be moved to a new spot on ezBoard so that my name won't be associated with it, and people won't assume that I'm intimately involved."

So first he says "don't bother me, I haven't time, solve the problem yourselves; if you decide to do something that will probably change its personality, then move it elsewhere and take my name off it." Then he posts an e-mail that says, basically, "WTF???" and gives the impression, whether intentional or notthat any changes, moves or resignations came as a complete surprise.

-- Anonymous, April 04, 2001

Yes, Git, you're right. What I was picking up on is that I have never seen him appear ruffled. Don't know how you sysops manage that.

-- Anonymous, April 04, 2001

Oh we just do a lot of drugs. (That was a joke.)

-- Anonymous, April 04, 2001

Well damn, leave town for a few I gotta go read the "Bomb"


-- Anonymous, April 04, 2001

Start Here

yourdon ezOP (4/4/01 9:07:53 pm) Reply

Re: Thank you Ed!


-- Anonymous, April 05, 2001

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