squash bugs

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Beyond the Sidewalks : One Thread

We read on the CS board that sweet potatoes planted between your squash plants was a good deterant to squash bugs. I have also read that nastertiums were a deterant. We had a terrible infestation last year and I worry what this year will bring. Have any of you tried any of these methods? Do you have any suggestions? Kim

-- Anonymous, April 03, 2001


kim, We had a really terrible year in michigan with them last year and the year before. I am going to try planting the sweet potatoes and see what happens. It sure can't hurt. I also am open to suggestions, we want to stay organic. Are there some organic sprays or something??

-- Anonymous, April 04, 2001

Once I heard that a remedy for these little nasties is to take a bunch of the bugs and put them in a blender. (You can see where this is going...)and whiz 'em with a few cups of water. Pour the bug slurry into a jar or whatever and let it set out for a couple days. Then strain the liquid, and use it as a spray on plants. How desperate ARE you?? :)

-- Anonymous, April 04, 2001

I've found nasturtium and ducks to be very useful. Here's what I do.

1. put out nasturtium withen 10 ft of squash plants 2. eventually notice a bug 3. pick off bug and squash it under feet 4. Notice even more bugs 5. Put the duck in the garden for 15 minutes 6. notice all bugs are gone, remove duck

I think the nasturtium helps, but the duck makes very quick work of any infestation. (Try and borrow a duck when you first notice a problem-we borrow from my mom)

-- Anonymous, April 04, 2001

Marty, don't the ducks damage plants or produce in the garden?

-- Anonymous, April 04, 2001

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