PC tips Cars online

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Old Cars!

The Internet makes it easy to shop for a new car, but it can also help you fix up your old one. You can search for auto repair advice and tips -- try a good search engine, like Google or Northern Light; you'll find more. Protect yourself -- do some research before you take your car to the mechanic.

Where the Web makes a big difference is with collectors, restorers, and customizers. Just about any make and model of collectible car has a Web site devoted to it. Want a picture of a 1957 DeSoto Fireflite Explorer? Need to know how to reassemble the immense chrome grill of a 1948 Packard? Just wanna chat with other 1972 Corvette owners? The Web's the place. Tons of custom car sites make finding and sharing information, advice, and pictures of your toys fun and easy. You can meet people who share your interests, and who knows -- maybe one of them has that one little piece that's keeping your 1961 Chrysler Imperial in the garage instead of on the road this spring!

Get repair advice and much more from AutoWeb http://www.autoweb.com/default.htm?uo=26309

J.C. Whitney is the home of 'everything automotive' http://www.jcwhitney.com/

- Dennis Ryan

-- Anonymous, April 03, 2001

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