Response to loving Tornadoes and Storms!! : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

You should contact your local National Weather Service office or Red Cross to get details about becoming a SkyWarn volunteer. They train you to recognise all forms of violent weather and what to do with that info so that you can help warn others.

My husband and I have been SkyWarn volunteers for several years. One of my hobbies is storm photography. The SkyWarn classes really helped me recognise and understand severe weather events. Do not take the power of the weather too lightly. Lightening and debris can hit far from where you'd expect and always remember to periodically check behind you - things can creep up on you before you know it, especially if you're enjoying the show in front of you.

If you want to see some great photos and read some fascinating stuff, type in "storm chasing" on your search engine of choice. Mother Nature is fabulous!

-- Lori in SE Ohio (, April 02, 2001

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