POL - usher fired by Hillary for alleged chats with Barbara Bush is seen at White Housegreenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread |
Wash PostHouse Call for Emery
We're hearing that former White House usher Christopher Emery was spotted recently at the White House. Loop Fans may recall Emery was abruptly fired in March 1994 by Hillary Rodham Clinton, apparently for having chats with former first lady Barbara Bush.
Emery was part of the quasi-career White House support staff. He said at the time that he had but two telephone conversations with Mrs. Bush, and only about problems she was having with a laptop she was using to write her White House memoirs. (Emery had been a computer specialist before working at the White House.) He went to work for the Howard County government after leaving the White House but is back as a GS-14 working in a Justice Department program.
Coming by to visit? Thinking of getting his old job back? Regret knocking down that phony story about Clinton's having thrown a lamp at her husband?
-- Anonymous, April 02, 2001