POL - Streisand yells at Democratsgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread |
Roll CallApril 1, 2001
Hello Senate! Hollywood diva Barbra Streisand has fired off a three-page memo to key Democrats on Capitol Hill, urging them to quit their whining and start hammering the GOP.
"What has happened to the Democrats since the November election? Some of you seem paralyzed, demoralized and depressed,"
the "Funny Girl" wrote in the memo obtained by HOH.
"I hope you're through arguing among yourselves and distancing yourselves from President [Bill] Clinton. Let's not let them divert attention from the success of his administration over the past eight years. Let's not allow the Republicans to take away the gains we've made."
The memo, which was delivered to insiders about a week ago, carried the title "Nice Guys Finish Last or Where Do We Go From Here: A Case for the Democrats." [Click here for full text of Streisand's letter.]
Streisand added in the introduction,
"We should have one goal, and that's to win back the House, Senate and Presidency. Unless we win, we'll be consistently on the defensive with our fingers holding the dyke against the Republican revolution."
But the liberal activist cautioned against being too tough, advising, "You don't have to be ruthless like the Republicans, just be strong."
Streisand blasted President Bush, while expressing grudging respect for his Reagan-esque ability to project an image of "strength."
"Look at his ratings -- how could such a destructive man be so popular with the American people? Not only is he poisoning our air and water by withdrawing his promise to enforce emissions standards and arsenic regulations, but he's poisoning our political system as well. Bipartisanship only works if you can trust the other side. As we have learned in the past weeks, we cannot trust George W. Bush."
Streisand alleged that Bush stole the White House and that the GOP-led Congress has sold out to corporate interests.
"We have a President who stole the presidency through family ties, arrogance and intimidation, employing Republican operatives to exercise the tactics of voter fraud by disenfranchising thousands of blacks, elderly Jews and other minorities. We have a Congress passing laws that benefit corporations and the privileged few at the expense of the working men and women of this country."
A spokesman for Streisand confirmed that the memo is genuine, but he declined to specify who received the letter because it's a "private communication."
After listing a litany of special interests that are benefiting from Bush's policies, Streisand rushed to Clinton's defense -- and urged Democrats to fight back.
"Talk about Republican pardons. George Bush protected himself by pardoning those linked to him in the Iran-Contra scandal. He pardoned a heroin drug trafficker and a terrorist who was responsible for 73 deaths. Clinton's pardons have no impact on the health and welfare of the American people."
Streisand wrapped up the fiery missive by tweaking Democrats for being more concerned about self-preservation.
"Why be afraid to speak out and remind the public of what happened last November? Maybe it's because some of you are up for reelection and, therefore, might be afraid to rock the boat. Well, I disagree. Rocking the boat is what wins elections!"
The letter was signed, simply, "Barbra."
-- Anonymous, April 01, 2001
She writes "our fingers holding the dyke.."Really, Barbra!
-- Anonymous, April 02, 2001
Firemouse missed that one.
-- Anonymous, April 02, 2001
I think when she had that nose job, the Dr reached up in there and removed a couple of frontal lobes!!! She gets screwier every year.
-- Anonymous, April 02, 2001
I bet she is making reference to the Bull Dyke! Holding her back from further attacking the GOP while the loyals figure out how to move her into a "presidential" posture in 2004. Ya think?
-- Anonymous, April 02, 2001