The Most Dangerous Bubble Of All? : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
Evenin'!Just ran across this, while lurking elsewhere, and thought it might be valuable info for some here. I'm just putting up the link, rather than the article, because there are some graphics with the article that are important to view along with it.
The Most Dangerous Bubble Of All?
Sorry, but you'll have to do a copy/paste as I haven't quite figured out how to create an active link here.
-- SqrlGrl (, April 01, 2001
-- (, April 01, 2001.
One way to learn html is to goto the view command on your task bar. Open it and pull it down to source. Enlarge the screen and you'll see the html commands.Linking is [a href = "url"]Link[/a] but you must use < and > for [ and ]. A means anchor. Href mean hypertext reference. / is a shut off command, so /a shuts off the link. That was the mistake you made on a previous post. We call it closing the tag.
-- (, April 01, 2001.
-- Uncle Bob (, April 01, 2001.
Link,link (hee,hee)Okay, gonna give it a try. Here goes (I hope)
Did I dood it? SG
-- SqrlGrl (, April 01, 2001.
YES! I did it! Thanks, LL. Now, I'm gonna take a look to see if I can figure out how Uncle Bob created his animated link.Uncle Bob... by the way... do you remember when I asked if you were related to Arnie? I was referring to Arnie's roll in Terminator2, where there's a scene when the Terminator gets introduced to some of Sarah's rebel commrades as "Uncle Bob" ... if you haven't guessed, I'm a big fan of The Terminator. :D
-- SqrlGrl (, April 01, 2001.
Okay, time to try a moving link... keeping my fingers crossed....
Okay, I'm gonna take a deep breath and click submit. SG
-- SqrlGrl (, April 01, 2001.
I did it!! Thanks, Uncle BobSG
-- SqrlGrl (, April 01, 2001.
You are very pretty for a squirrel.
-- Lars (, April 02, 2001.
Why, thank you, Lars. Care for an acorn?? :) SqrlGrl
-- SqrlGrl (, April 02, 2001.