Need Barbecue sauce recipe : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Help! Our early tomatoes have far surpassed our expectations and we have an unseasonably early glut. Does anyone have a good barbecue sauce recipe that starts with fresh tomatoes. It's about all I can think to do with them this early in the year!

-- J. Oker (, April 01, 2001


Can them or make tomato paste with them for later use. I'll check for recipies...Come on folks..I know those of you who can have recipies..I'm just getting started myself.

-- Deborah (, April 01, 2001.

Peel & crush the tomatoes, put them in a large soup kettle with lots of fresh garlic and whatever other spices you like, cook it uncovered on low - medium heat and stir frequently until it thickens (this takes a long time - several hours), straining it if needed, then can it like tomato sauce. This is how we like our barbecue sauce, mostly tomato and garlic. We here in Central Wisc. are desparate for the taste of a fresh tomato, it'll be awhile.

-- Rose Marie Wild (, April 01, 2001.

where are you, that you can get tomatoes already??? Itll be another 2 months before I can even plant anything

-- stan (, April 01, 2001.


-- Jean (, April 02, 2001.

How about a really yummy chili sauce instead? We made this last year.

To make barbecue sauce from it, warm up a jar of chili sauce and add a bit of extra vinegar, sugar, red and black pepper to taste.

Wash, and peel 8 quarts of fresh tomatoes

Quarter 4 quarts of the tomatoes

Puree the other 4 quarts of the tomatoes with: 6 green peppers (membranes and seeds removed) 1 Tablespoon dried hot pepper pods 6 large white onions, skinned

Put in a large pot, and add: 2 cups brown sugar 3 cups cider vinegar 3 Tablespoons salt 1 Tablespoon black pepper 1 Tablespoon allspice 1 teaspoon ground cloves 1 teaspoon ginger 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon nutmeg 1 teaspoon ground celery seed 2 Tablespoons ground dry mustard (optional)

Simmer everything on low heat for about 3 hours or until thickened. Stir frequently to prevent scorching. Add salt if needed to taste. Pack in small sterile jars. Process for 15 minutes in boiling water bath.

-- dmtaylor (, April 08, 2001.

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