How do I get Xmen vs Streetfighter rom to work? : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

Hi Ive downloaded the Xmen vs Streetfighter rom and the decryption file from CPS2 Shock, but I still cant get the rom to work! any idea's on where Im going wrong!!!

-- Sujjad Hus (, April 01, 2001


you might have to combine the rom and encryption zips together with a program like winzip and make sure the combined rom is the correct mame game name. which marp short name are you trying to get working? (xmcota, sfa2) what does

mame -verifyroms xmcota

mame -verifyroms sfa2


-- Chad (, April 01, 2001.

That romset is not supported under the current Mame beta, so you either have to add it to the cps2 driver in Mame or wait for the next Mame release.


-- Stig Remnes (, April 01, 2001.

It's not supported by any official version of MAME, so until the next release is won't be supported here at MARP either (unless Pat wants to add it... please? :)). Otherwise you can download CPS2MAME from CPS2Shock. There is a CPS2MAME32 as well somewhere, check the Retrogames news pages for that. ( Or if you have the MAME source, you can compile your own with support for it. It is very straight forward to add XvsSF to MAME this way.

-- Barry Rodewald (, April 01, 2001.

have a bummy and ride

-- frazyer brown (, June 16, 2002.

I would like to bure x-men vs streetfigter

-- tom mart (, July 03, 2002.

I wish i can have some fries for my home trash can

-- efg3qwgf (, July 06, 2002.

PLEASE HELP me e-mail me how does mame dos work and where do i download xmen vs streetfighter for it

-- Matthew Kamiya (, November 09, 2002.

you could just go to this site and play it there just takes about 30 minutes to load and u dont need mame!

-- Chris Cringle (, March 25, 2003.

Where on earth can i get that game its the greatest game there is!

-- rob (, August 04, 2003.

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