BBC America - Monty Python Marathon : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

OG, Don't know if you like this show, but I thought I would let others know that BBC America is running a Monty Python Marathon right now.

DH just loves this show - personally I like Are you being Served and Benny Hill better.

-- Anonymous, March 31, 2001


Do I like Monty Python??? Is the Archbishop of Canterbury Church of England??? If it weren't for the Dead Parrtot sketch, Sweetie and I might never have met. I can't remember if his first gift to me was the rubber chicken or the parrot-shaped pillow. Sadly, Durham Time-Warner has not seen fit to add BBC America to their abysmal offerings.

-- Anonymous, March 31, 2001

BBC America?! Where, what, when?! Monty Python?! Marathon?! I gotta get satellite TV, DANG!

-- Anonymous, March 31, 2001

Here's a pc from one of the Python sites:


-- Anonymous, March 31, 2001

OG, thanks, I'm going to download some of the wav files, and use as my Windoze default sounds! BWAHAHA....thanks, I'll be busy for a while! HEHEHE

-- Anonymous, March 31, 2001

Drat, they must have one of them there link cut-off thingies. Anyway, it was a Happy Retirement postcard for the biker grannies.

There;s an official site as well, can't find my link. Must be with my glasses.

-- Anonymous, March 31, 2001

Found it!

-- Anonymous, March 31, 2001

Beckie, glad to see there's another Benny Hill fan here. We shall not see his like again.

-- Anonymous, April 01, 2001

I enjoy several of the English programs, one of which I cannot recall the name of, but the star actress played "M" in a recent James Bond movie, and I loved her in that part as well. she has short hair. Oh, come to think of it, her co-star was also in that Bond movie.

Another is of course the Are you being served? but I have a hard time understanding them as they use the local slang which I don't get all the time. I also cannot hear it very well.

Benny Hill has been advertised a lot lately with videos that you can order, if anyone is interested in doing so. No link for that, just lots of commercials.

Fawlty Towers is another favorite.

I sure would like to see the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy again. Another I enjoy is Doctor Who but I don't get to see that one much now that I am working. This one is also offered on BBC America.

I probably should be taping some of those Monty shows, huh?

-- Anonymous, April 01, 2001

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