SET YER CLOCKS AHEAD tonight unless you live in IN, Az.... : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Spring forward!

Fall back!

-- kb8 (, March 31, 2001



-- (, March 31, 2001.

Fer crying out loud, not only can you not hold yer likker, kb, but you're passed out before 7:30 pm. Guess we get to eat yer steak. Oh, and ya did a good job on the yard. When are ya going to come over and rake mine?

We hate when his girlfriend goes to visit her aunt on the occasional Saturday, nothing worse than kb on a workaholic spree, I think he even washed and waxed the kitchen floor. Ladies, you missed a great catch. Too late now. Hey pass that pitcher over here!

-- (Weeble@wee.ble), March 31, 2001.

Thank you for this important bit of wisdom. I understand Dave's problem, but you don't have an excuse, Weeb. There's plenty of your kind in German Village. You have only to go there and ask. Who let the dogs out? Who? Who? WHO?

-- (MrTimeh@scome.foryou), March 31, 2001.

Mr. Time

Yer point is well taken. Are you going to lend me yer Beemer? Huh? I KNOW who let the dogs out. WHO is going to clean up after them? Huh? Huh? HUH? WHO?

Never mind, I allready know the answer.

-- (Weeble@wee.ble), March 31, 2001.

oh, I thought you said cocks...

-- Uncle Bob (, April 01, 2001.

I haven't any idea how to set a cock ahead, nor the cat alarm. The latter still went off at 8 AM DST. Weekends are still a foreign concept to her.

-- kb8 (, April 01, 2001.

Likker? LMAO. Hey KB, um, howz the head?

Unc....double LMAO. For us woman its easy to set the cock, um, shoot.

ner mind.

-- sumer (shh@aol.con), April 01, 2001.

And you thought that we were talking about -- 8-)

Oh, sumer, you'd better go reserve a room in a posh B & B over at Kelly's or Put-in-Bay ... I'm sure you both have earned it.

I'm okay but will be even better after I get back from picking up my lady from the airport, and I'll throw a few rolls of tp at Mr. Time's maples on my way there. He is getting out of hand these days.

-- kb8 (, April 01, 2001.

Actually K, I was thinking of B&B for our anniversary. I just dont care much for putnbay area. Pretty but too many people.

-- sumer (shh@aol.con), April 02, 2001.

It's not too bad until Memorial Weekend, sumer, then things get busy. I also like some of the B&Bs around Hocking Hills, and did you know there's a couple of castles south Indian Lake? I'm not sure of the exact location, but a coworker stayed at this cool B&B down there with lots of period relics. Hey, call 1-800-BUCKEYE -- I'll bet the new travel guide is available. It's free and always has lots of good pictures. They can even make Lima (Ohio) look good!

-- kb8 (, April 02, 2001.

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