POL - The sudden discovery that Jackson is a crook

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Capitol Hill Blue

The 'sudden' discovery that Jesse Jackson is a crook

Thursday, March 29, 2001

The latest discovery by the “gee I didn’t know that” media is a sudden realization that Jesse Jackson is a crook.

All of a sudden, we are bombarded by stories in The Washington Post about Jackson’s shady fundraising scams, his use of foundation money to pay for his mistress and his obvious disregard for laws.

Now that The Post has made it acceptable to go after a civil rights leader, others are jumping on the bandwagon and running their own stories about Jackson’s many crimes.

Pardon us while we yawn. Some of us have known for decades that Jesse is a charlatan who hides behind the media’s reluctance to go after black leaders for fear of being labeled racist.

For the record, I hate all crooks: white crooks, black crooks, red crooks, yellow crooks and half-breed crooks. I don’t care what color they are. I do care if they are ripping people off and hiding behind their race to do it.

The Washington Post should have started checking out Jesse Jackson years ago, but wouldn’t because such an investigation goes against the liberal grain of a paper that applies different standards towards black leaders. Several years ago, the paper ran a long, exhaustive series about the white head of the Washington-area United Fund and his misuse of charity funds.

But Jesse Jackson lived a rich-man’s life off donations intended for civil rights causes and The Post looked the other way.

It took a tabloid newspaper, The National Enquirer for God’s sake, to blow the lid off Jackson’s rip offs. The paper caught The Post and all other “mainstream” media napping by revealing the married Jackson was supporting his mistresses and his bastard child off money donated to his foundation, all while he was “counseling” another well-known adulterer named William Jefferson Clinton.

Jackson even had the gall to bring his girlfriend, not his wife, to White House functions.

This week, several months after the fact, The Post finally ran stories based on its own investigation into what it called Jackson’s “shoddy” and questionable fundraising procedures.

Meanwhile, another tabloid is ready to publish a tell-all memoir by Jesse’s office whore.

Black leaders are quick to rush to Jackson’s defense and call the stories “racism.”

Well, they're half-right.

It is racism.

Reverse racism.

Anytime you let crooks of any color slide and apply a different standard of justice or judgment on other races, you are a racist.

(Doug Thompson is the founder of Capitol Hill Blue. The Rant appears whenever the mood suits him)

-- Anonymous, March 31, 2001


A good article...saying it like it is!

-- Anonymous, March 31, 2001

You don't think that Jesse or Bill would want to take my handle away from me, do you?

-- Anonymous, April 01, 2001

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