Adapted Video CD Creator 5 : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I've been trying to create VCD's with this package and have the following problem.....using a menu I set up and cut a selection with eight tracks. But when I play it back on PC or DVD they only work with the first four tracks...attempting to play tracks 5 - 8 result in an error message. Are there limits to the number of tracks you can run from a single menu page...if so, I assume you can create more than one menu page...but how do you create the links between menu pages? If anyone can help it would make a frustrated man very happy!!

Thanks to all

Dave Partner.

-- David Partner (, March 31, 2001


There is a bug in the program download the 5.0.1 patch to fix this problem.

-- Dwayne (, April 18, 2001.

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