[GVT] 2nd Amendment Rally In Austin, Texas @ the Capital

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Author Comment Satanta Registered User (3/30/01 7:57:51 pm) Reply

[gvt] April22. 2nd ammend rally at Tx capitol.

ON April 22nd at 12:00 to 3:00 we here in Austin Texas are going to have a second amendment rally against the new laws they are trying to pass.

The is trying to be spread around the state, we need as many people that can possibibly go..

For anyone not in the know..Some of the laws they are trying to pass include...

1.) Stopping the GUn show Loopwhole-no private sales at all, all sales must go through a NICS check..

2.) NO ONE under the age of 18 can even touch a firearm. This means that you cant even teach your kids to use firearms.

3.) An anti-militia law. Essentially any group of 3 people or more can get together while armed with a firearm. Essentially this could mean the closing of all gun ranges, you couldnt go hunting in groups of three or more..

These are some serious laws and will completely destroy the gun culture..We must have as many people as we possibly can to show up on the 22nd..


Just wanted to give folks here a head's up, if'n they're not checkin' the other board.

Hopefully, Sat will fill us in on more details as he gets 'em.

I will be there.

Peace and Love,


-- Anonymous, March 30, 2001

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