SqrlGrl throwing temper tantrum on ezboard.greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
Main page. Biggest tantrum I've ever seen over there. Cleaning all her %$#t out and going home.
-- idon'tknow (u@don'tneedto.know), March 30, 2001
.. .. .. ..
-- Uncle Bob (unclb0b@aol.com), March 30, 2001.
Well, since Ed banned me before the board started, I can't talk to them. But I think that it is very important how they handle Lois. They will be sorry if they don't do it correctly.Best Wishes,,,,
-- Z1X4Y7 (Z1X4Y7@aol.com), March 30, 2001.
Who is SqrlGrl? Anyone from the old TB2000? I got banned after a while. I hadn't even posted for a while and went over and found they had banned me. Hey I don't think I did anything to be banned for...I just said a few things to and about Ed. I didn't think they were offensive... I kinda like going at it with im, I know he knows what I'm talking about even when his followers don't.
-- Cherri (jessam5@home.com), March 30, 2001.
Lois? Who is Lois?and btw, what is this? -<)))
-- (cin@cin.cin), March 30, 2001.
SYSOPS: I ask that cin be banned from this forum for asking too many questions...
-- Uncle Bob (unclb0b@aol.com), March 30, 2001.
Cin:I have no idea what -<))) means. We can talk about *<))) Totally different matter.
Best Wishes,,,,,
-- Z1X4Y7 (Z1X4Y7@aol.com), March 30, 2001.
LOL Bob! I was banned at EZ once, and just created another handle. Not a big deal.Z...yeah. What is it?
-- (cin@cin.cin), March 30, 2001.
Bob, you just earned your first flame:
Four more and you're outta here.
And cin, you do ask too many questions. A flame for you. No, on second thought, make it two.
The rest of you get a flame for witnessing this mess:
Flames!! Flames for everyone!!!!!
. . . . . .
-- (fee@fi.flame), March 30, 2001.
SqrlGrl is okay and would fit in here. Abby Lane will disappear after Flint, Patricia, et al., chew up one of her cut/paste posts from rumormills or wherever she gets that NWO conspiracy junk.
-- (longtime@lurking.lurking), March 31, 2001.
SqGrl might have more friends here than you think. The NWO exists whether or not you wish to believe it, and it's escalating program of control is in its latter stages. You'll likely see major attempts at total world control in the next 10-20 years. Enjoy your freedom while you can and be thankful that you're not a kid now.
-- Just Say No (to@the.NWO), March 31, 2001.
OOPS, forgot to add Abbey to the above musings. Welcome Abbey. There's a more eclectic mix of us characters here than some of the stupid posts about politics and those featuring nothing much more than profanity might indicate.
-- Just Say No (to@the.NWO), March 31, 2001.
‘Just Say No’ says:“There's a more eclectic mix of us characters here than some of the stupid posts about politics and those featuring nothing much more than profanity might indicate.”
Then goes on to state:
“The NWO exists whether or not you wish to believe it.”
-- Welcome (aboard@half.wit), March 31, 2001.
Fuck, it's al-d's cousin from Michigan.
-- (MrTimeh@scome.foryou), March 31, 2001.
Remember LL...what was her handle? Lady Light? Well, Abby is LL who went off and got religion. She will occupy most the bandwidth here spuing her venom of Christianity. She is not content to just give her thoughts of being a Christian....she has to stuff it down your throat every chance she get, whether anyone is discussing religion or not. Why did she come here? Why doesn't she go find religion@zealots.com? She best remember this is an open forum and the bandwidth runs both ways. People were polite, for the most part, over at TB2000 and just complained to the Admin. Here she is going to have to take as good as she gives. Squirrel Girl on the other hand will fit right in here and you will probably enjoy her.
-- HT (Hangtuff@titsup.com), March 31, 2001.
HT, seems you have an axe to grind.Care to share why? Oh, didnt think so. You get 1 1/2 flames for trying to out someone before they even settle in....ALL are welcome here. Deal with it.
-- sumer (shh@aol.con), March 31, 2001.
We did deal with it!!!! Wait until you have have to scrape it off your tonsils day after day after day. It doesn't stop...it never quits..its like that pink rabbit. And if she brings all her cohorts here you will really find it hard to be "nice". HT
-- HT (Hangtuff@titsup.com), March 31, 2001.
yeah yeah. just so "bordau" and his/her trolls don't return and play games blacking out the threads
-- (MrTimeh@scome.foryou), March 31, 2001.
So you are saying abbey is LL incognito w/Jesus. ROFL.Whatever. But my point is this is a Free Speech Palace. If I dont like what I see I can move on or mouth off, the CHOICE is mine.
I like choices, dont you?
PS, scrape what off my tonsils, I dont HAVE NO tonsils....had um out at 21 ...... OUCH.
-- sumer (shh@aol.con), April 01, 2001.
idon'tknow,"Main page. Biggest tantrum I've ever seen over there. Cleaning all her %$#t out and going home."
Ooooopps... wrong. SqrlGrl is here. Would you like me to demonstrate a temper tantrum for you? Sorry, I'm fresh out of tantrums for now. (I'll work on it tho ... just for you.) :D
-- SqrlGrl (sqrlgrl@citrus.zzn.com), April 01, 2001.
I think Iona = Lady Logic on new meds. Screwball Abby's sytax doesn't match any known LL samples, but she's a good candidate for Char (also on new meds) from the defunct Apocalypse Project.
-- (8675308c@llme.jenny), April 01, 2001.
Z,Hi! Well, I wasn't going to ask, but I just can't resist. Exactly, what is this supposed to mean?
"But I think that it is very important how they handle Lois. They will be sorry if they don't do it correctly."
The Terminator, I'm not. Mentally inbalanced, I'm not.
Extremely passionate in my views, I am.
Fully disabled [physically], I am (if that interests you.)
In pain, 99% of the time, I am. Which, on occassion, lowers my tolerance for bullshit.
Smile! I may not agree with everything you say, but I will defend to the death, your right to say it.
-- SqrlGrl (sqrlgrl@citrus.zzn.com), April 01, 2001.