Humor - Is Your Food Genetically Modified? : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Top 10 ways to tell...

10. Your green beans are attempting a split flanking maneuver on your clearly surprised mashed potatoes.

9. Whenever Gallagher appears on TV, your watermelon leaps up, grabs the remote and shuts off the set.

8. It tastes the same, but now the asparagus leaves your bathroom smelling April fresh.

7. You use the leftover chicken as a nightlight for your kid's room.

6. The label says that your buffalo chicken wings are made from REAL flying bison.

5. An apple a day... cures leukemia.

4. Family of seven, one turkey -- yet everyone gets a drumstick.

3. Your Ginsu knives are suddenly afraid of the tomatoes.

2. Chocchini: Looks like zucchini, tastes like a Ding-Dong.

1. A SWAT team is ordering the Chalupa to drop *you*.

-- Anonymous, March 30, 2001

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