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I have to build a little house for the solar panels' load controller, she said, puffing importantly.Please keep an eye on Carl and Barefoot and don't leave Beckie and David alone together. And no practical jokes on the newcomers or you'll be for it when I get back. Hm. Old UK expression, haven't used it in years. But you get the gist.
Mother of All Despots
-- Anonymous, March 30, 2001
I don't need a babysitter... Barefoot though, ya gotta watch him, specially around the cookie jar...
-- Anonymous, March 30, 2001
Yes, Mom.
-- Anonymous, March 30, 2001
But... But.... But.....otay
-- Anonymous, March 30, 2001
I have a new handle. Winkie Man.Wanna see why?
-- Anonymous, March 30, 2001
Winkie Man, aka Barefoot Mailman, aka ... whatever! You change handles as often as Cher has something lifted, which is almost a weekly event for her.
-- Anonymous, March 30, 2001
I think I'll pass at looking under your moo moo.
-- Anonymous, March 30, 2001
Winkie, stop peeing over at TB. ;^)
-- Anonymous, March 30, 2001