SUST - Seed Saving Links/Info : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Looking around for gardening information, I stumbled onto this collection of links devoted to saving seeds. Lots of good info!

Seed Saving Information

-- Anonymous, March 30, 2001


For those folks interested in open pollinated seeds... I would highly praise Seed Saver's Exchange.... these are just individual gardeners trying hard to perserve seed...

For herbal seeds... I would highly recommend... Horizon Seeds... primarily medicinals herbs... and Goodwin Creek Gardens... both in Williams, Oregon... both these fine places have helped me immensely with starting and maintaining my beautiful herbal pharmacy garden..

Happy planting and spring!!!!!!!!!!

-- Anonymous, March 30, 2001

Thanks Brooke,

I got some good tips last Spring from Taz on Tomatoes and Carrots and I have been looking for something like this for other seeds. Thanks Again, Lori

-- Anonymous, March 30, 2001

I've always had a patch of tomatoes, even in the years where I did little else. One year, I decided to move the spot where i usually planted them, and didn't pay much attention to the former spot. Weeks went by and one day out of the corner of my eye, what did I spot but the healthiest, most robust tangle of tomato plants I'd ever grown! The 'maters had of course, self seeded from some that I'd not picked up the previous fall and were just doing their 'mater thing with no help from me. That crop from that patch was my best yield ever. Made a believer out of me, for a fact.

-- Anonymous, March 31, 2001

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