3/29/01:Humor- Cajun Style

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Clarence & Boudreaux

Boudreaux live across de bayou from Clarence who he don' like at all. Dey all de time yell across de bayou at each other. Boudreaux would yell to Clarence, "If I had a way to cross dis bayou I'd come over dere an pass my fis by you jaw good, yeah!"

Dis went on for years. Finally de state done built a bridge across dat bayou right by dere houses and Boudreaux's wife Marie say, "Now is you chance Boudreaux. Why don' you go over dere an beat up Clarence lak you say." Boudreaux say "ok" and start across de bridge but he see a sign on de bridge an he stop to read it and then he go back home.

Marie say, "Why you back so soon?" and Boudreaux say "Mais Marie I don' change my mind about beat up Clarence. You know Marie dey got a sign on dat bridge what say Clarence 13' 6". You know, he don' look near dat big when I yell at him from across de bayou...!"

-- Anonymous, March 29, 2001


Response to Humor- Cajun Style

GC, you have brought back memories, never far from the surface, of one dear departed--deLesseps S. "Toni" Morrison from New Orleans. (Not THAT Toni Morrison.) Toni and I were drinking buddies for a very long time, at the Half Moon, a working-class bar on St. Mary Street in the Irish Channel. He told Cajun jokes better than anyone I know--and he had a vast repretoire. He was one of the kindest people I know, loved Peter Sellers movies and could do a fine impression of Sellers. I heard his voice narrating your post. Thanks.

-- Anonymous, March 30, 2001

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