ADMIN - Just a suggestion.... : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Wonder if things like Humor, can be dated like 3-29-01 and all humor can be put in on topic. Same with Sustainable, I can put all the tips in the one thread. Also, I get Chicken soupe and if you want the sentemental stories, I thing we need a catagory for Heart touching stories. In other words, lets clean up the clutter once we get going good, and I thing it will be easier to check threads, and to keep up on those you are interested in.

BTW no matter what I have to do the password thing each time...that is a pain! but, Oh well!

-- Anonymous, March 29, 2001


Response to Just a suggestion....

For the Greenspun format, I think it might work better to do separate threads--because there's no way to see all the subtopic headers as there is at ezboard and some interesting stuff can get lost.

For those folks who haven't noticed, threads automatically go into categories after you pick the appropriate one and click on it. After two days, the software puts the post into the right archive--you'll find the archives if you scroll down the front page of posts. Once you click on an archive, all you see are thread titles--no subtitles. So I think we'd better stick with the separate threads to make them fairly easy to find.

-- Anonymous, March 29, 2001

Response to Just a suggestion....

Well, I like the idea of putting a date in a thread title, might make it easier to find later on. Wouldn't want to make it mandatory, tho...

-- Anonymous, March 29, 2001

Yebbut I'll forget! However, even if it's only on one thread in ten or twenty, it will make searching easier. There being no author or date on the list of headers in the archive, the occasional date would provide a useful marker.

-- Anonymous, March 30, 2001

Real good idea about the dates!

Now, how about the raisins?

-- Anonymous, March 30, 2001

Well, I heard you were raisin hell again last night. Or was that Beckie and David?

-- Anonymous, March 30, 2001

Dates.... Raisins....

I can make wine outta those... :)

-- Anonymous, March 30, 2001

Brooke oh-so-inconspicuously moves her chair closer to Sheeple's. . .

Wine? Did you say Wine? ? ?

-- Anonymous, March 30, 2001


Sure did. I didn't say Whine, but WINE!

At the moment, I have 22 gallons in various stages of being made. 6 each of Apple and Peach, 5 of each of a grape and raspberry.

If I can find the recipe, I am going to make a trial gallon of Vanilla. If that goes well, then it will be a 5 gallon batch.

-- Anonymous, March 30, 2001

Oh Sheep! They all sound. . . YUMMY! I've been a Wine-O (not to e confused with a "Whine-R" for a long time; one of my uncles was a winemaker, so I grew up knowing what the 'good stuff' tastes like.

Never have heard of vanilla wine, but hey. . .I'll try anything once (or twice. . .) Sounds good!

-- Anonymous, March 30, 2001

Yebbut, can ya make CHEESE to go with that wine?

-- Anonymous, March 30, 2001


About 20 or so years ago, I tried to make some cheese. I never could get it to firm up completely. :(

Besides, I can buy cheese cheaper than I can make it, and with the results of the one and only time I tried, the bought cheese would be much better than anything I could make.

The wine on the other hand is different. Seems like after drinking the stuff I/we make, I can't stand the purchased wines anymore. Not even the expensive stuff. Maybe it's just the fact that I/we did it.

Gonna have to build me a wine room before too long. But we give tons of it away. Right now, I figure that the 22 gallons will equal somewhere between 9 and 10 cases. Gonna have to buy more bottles I'm a thinkin...

-- Anonymous, March 30, 2001

When Sweetie was making beer, we got a good supply of beer bottles from a yuppie restaurant. Maybe wine too? I mean, you have to sterilize them anyway.

Jim used to call his beer "Nasal Radiator Ale." As in, from his salad days, when he would say, "Me? Hic--oops, sorry. I'm a Nasal radiator from Cecil Field."

My favorite was to tell people, "Eat eggs--it'll alkalyse the oxydol."

-- Anonymous, March 30, 2001

I'm all for consolidating threads whenever it makes sense.

(passing Brooke's dogs the prunes...)

-- Anonymous, March 30, 2001

If someone wants to make the cheese, I'll cut it.

-- Anonymous, March 30, 2001

I'll cut the mustard.

Is this thread drifting or is it just me?

-- Anonymous, March 30, 2001

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