Problem With Line Glitch : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I've been able to capture movies from VHS video player with Radeon All in Wonder, but after I tried to encode it to AVI or MPEG I found out thet their is a line glitch at the bottom of the screen. I just wondering if there is something wrong with my Graphic card or I mess up with capturing option. I have tried to capture with AVI mode 352X240 either way for MPEG. Please help me to improve my capturing quality. Thank you all. Regards Hendra

-- Hendra Wijaya (, March 29, 2001


The line glitch you see is most probably caused by the VHS player; in any case it may not be seen on your TV at all because of normal overscan. Author your VCD and check it on TV. If it bothers you, capture in AVI and then use TMPGenc to encode, where provisions for cropping the source video and/or replacing portions of the picture with black pixels are available.

-- Mehmet Tekdemir (, March 31, 2001.

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