For Doc Paulie : LUSENET : Poole's Roost II : One Thread

It is possible to be extremely critical of Bush, harshly critical, without glorifying Clinton. Doing the latter puts your credibility in the toilet.

-- Anonymous, March 29, 2001


"It is possible to be extremely critical of Bush, harshly critical, without glorifying Clinton."

I wish you would explain that to "ain't" and others....

-- Anonymous, March 29, 2001

Cherri, there are a lot of people I avoid reading, and "aint" is one of them. From his subject headings, I suspect he is one of those people whose political views reflect the outlook: "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." In other words, Bush can do no wrong, and Clinton was incapable of doing anything right.

-- Anonymous, March 29, 2001

Yes, and it is also possible to use email and not clutter the board with this type of thread.

I am not trying to win a Popularity Contest(can you tell?). I am merely expressing my opinions, insights, and thoughts.

Once again we hit upon the problem here...Bill Clinton WAS NOT running for President(if he could have he would still BE the Prez). Al Gore lost for the same reason the Dems are rolling over now, they are WIMPS. I am assuming the game is still legit, a big assumption on my part. In my heart of hearts I think the whole banana a big game where the outcome is already known by the players. The trick is only in winning the PR game with the few Americans left who give a shit.

-- Anonymous, March 29, 2001

And I thought I was cynical. A game indeed Doc but who's most likely to be fooled? A healthy middle class or a purposefully perpetuated lower class? Which of these two game playing Parties benefits most from ignorance?

-- Anonymous, March 29, 2001

Carlos, I think Doc has probably bought into everything the Clinton spin machine has ever put out (this is not meant as a compliment). If there are exceptions, Doc, what are they?

-- Anonymous, March 29, 2001

Clinton was dead wrong on NAFTA. While I can understand his intial support of the Bush Sr-NAFTA scheme, but after 5 years of evidence it was the turd predicted, he still praised the damn thing. Wrong.

Clinton, like the rest of these reps of Multi-Nationals did ZERO to stem the tide of Illegal Immigration. A complete loser for all except the fatcats who profit from cheap labor.

Clinton went a tad overboard "normalizing" relations with the Chinese. No expert on China, just a suspicious shopper is all.

How's that Peter for a start?

-- Anonymous, March 30, 2001

Quite good. I'm impressed, more than I thought I'd be. I agree with you on all those points, except I think NAFTA should be different vs scrapped. If the choice is between scrapping vs an unchanged NAFTA, I'm ambivalent. I'd have to think about it.

-- Anonymous, March 30, 2001

Mr. Paulie sir, I am astounded! Out of my top ten bitches, you have managed to showcase three all-time favorites.

-- Anonymous, March 30, 2001

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