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NYDailyNewsHil Popularity Plummets in Poll
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's favorability ratings have taken a nosedive — with half the electorate skeptical of her credibility, according to a new poll.
"It's a bad poll for Hillary in every way," said Quinnipiac Institute pollster Maurice Carroll.
Only 39% of the 1,353 voters surveyed said they viewed Clinton as honest and trustworthy — her lowest rating. In contrast, her fellow Democrat, Sen. Chuck Schumer, was trusted by 63% of the voters.
And Clinton was viewed favorably by only 34% of voters — less than the 39% favorability rating racked up by her husband, former President Bill Clinton.
The same poll had two-term Gov. Pataki achieving an impressive 61% favorability rating and holding double-digit leads over two Democrat rivals, well outside the margin of error of plus or minus 2.7 percentage points.
Andrew Cuomo, son of former Gov. Mario Cuomo, was preferred by Democrats, with the former housing secretary leading state Controller Carl McCall 40% to 33% among the party's registered voters.
When paired against either challenger, Pataki, a Republican in a state where Democrats outnumber GOP voters 5 to 3, came up just shy of what pollsters call the magic 50% mark, topping Cuomo 48% to 36% and McCall 48% to 36%.
-- Anonymous, March 29, 2001
There is one thing you always get with free elections. You get what you vote for!!!! I have yet to meet a non NYC New Yorker that voted for her. But NYC controls the vote, as do all the major cities of the various States. Seattle certainly controls Wa State much to the dismay of most in the State.
-- Anonymous, March 29, 2001
Sometimes in politics the electorate gets what the elected official paid (make that bribed) for. Of course, Hillary doesn't know anything about that Jewish community vote in exchange for pardons deal.
-- Anonymous, March 30, 2001