ADMIN - How to acess this forum without typing in the password every time : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Use as your bookmark the second page, i.e.:

If you have cookies enabled, it should work.

-- Anonymous, March 29, 2001



-- Anonymous, March 29, 2001

"Bimp"? Do you have a li-saance for zees "bimp". hehe Bumped....thanx, OG!

-- Anonymous, March 29, 2001

I will go look in mah herrrum! Tell, me dewd, does your dog baht?

-- Anonymous, March 29, 2001

Here's a thought....

after reading all those crazy threads at TB, imagine all those people driving.

makes ya scared to be on the sidewalk, huh?

-- Anonymous, March 29, 2001

Sometimes the link works directly, sometimes it makes me type the password.

-- Anonymous, March 30, 2001

The link is a control freak.

-- Anonymous, March 30, 2001

I hate software with Attitude.

-- Anonymous, March 30, 2001

Me too, I prefer a little mango chutney with it.

-- Anonymous, March 30, 2001

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