ADMIN - OG was temporarily banned from Timebomb : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

(Edited thread to add "temporarily" because turned out to be so.)

Don't ask, I don't know. I tried to post the ECON post below, about Buffet praising Greenspan, but got the banned notice. I relogged as Thucydides and it posted with no problem. Hence, I was banned by name, not IP.

No sweat, their loss, not ours. Just thought you'd like to know.

-- Anonymous, March 28, 2001


Response to ADMIN - OG banned from Timebomb

What is going on over there as of late? Seems like the whole place is crazy.

-- Anonymous, March 28, 2001

Response to ADMIN - OG banned from Timebomb

That is NOT what happened. There WAS a poster who was banned earlier this morning, by name AND specific IP number. That person managed to come back, create a very similar posting handle and their IP # was slightly different. We then had to ban by range, and it's apparent that OG was one of the 'regulars' who got 'caught' up in it.

That's what happened.

-- Anonymous, March 28, 2001

Response to ADMIN - OG banned from Timebomb

I wonder if there are some new sysops running the operation? I also wonder about the "community supporters" vs. "non-community supporters" battle that is currently being waged through email in some quarters. To wit, I also post on another board where the EzOp wants all posters to send in the $7. I have declined, both in public and in private. I expect to be banned there in the near future, except this EzOp isn't computer savvy and may not be able to figure out how to do it. However, if this person does ask me directly to leave, I'll just become a lurker.

-- Anonymous, March 28, 2001

Response to ADMIN - OG banned from Timebomb

Thanks, Brooke. I didn't think only a name would get banned. I should quit speculating about these things. It's just that I'm so weirded out over the anger over the cs vs. ncs thingy... Maybe I'll just keep a low profile on EzBoards for awhile. They're loading slowly for me this morning, anyway.

PS "IC" & "AL" ***ARE NOT*** included in the above rant. I have never met with anything less than kindness at both boards.

-- Anonymous, March 28, 2001

Response to ADMIN - OG banned from Timebomb

Recently found myself banned, on my home computer only (same handle), on the Chemtrails forum. Eventually decided since I could get in from work I wouldn't stir any hornets nests by asking Cliff what happened. (Afterall, maybe he really DID want me gone although I really, really thought I was behaving myself.) It was a strange feeling at the time, hard not to take it personally, but probably had nothing to do with me at all.

-- Anonymous, March 28, 2001

Response to ADMIN - OG banned from Timebomb

I just got back from digging around in the 'guts' of the EZBoard 'inner sanctum' and reviewed the administration logs that automatically record our every administrative action.

Old Git was not banned by name, ever.

This is apparently one more screw up in some way related to EZBoard.

-- Anonymous, March 28, 2001

Response to ADMIN - OG banned from Timebomb

Re: Chemtrail Board -- the rumor I heard (and this is just gossip) was that Cliff was asked to ban NSAsucks and several others (don't remember the names). Your IP may have been in the range that was banned. I'm a frequent lurker over there. I suspect the real troublemakers are actually teenagers.

-- Anonymous, March 28, 2001

Response to ADMIN - OG banned from Timebomb

Hm, don't know whether to be happy or disappointed!

I did notice some contretemps going on over there this morning and saw where Data Junkie and perhaps others were banned. Having run into the problem of trying to ban by wild card IP and finding I had banned several innocent people, I can understand the problem. Still, after some acidic remarks from one of the sysops over there, it was perhaps an understandable assumption on my part.

-- Anonymous, March 28, 2001

Response to ADMIN - OG banned from Timebomb

Hey! You think I'd stand for that? Not in a million years!

-- Anonymous, March 28, 2001

Response to ADMIN - OG banned from Timebomb

I did have a little chuckle over "The Cascadians" complaining that they don't like being included in a collective name.

-- Anonymous, March 28, 2001

Response to ADMIN - OG banned from Timebomb

Need to change your name to astutemouse!

-- Anonymous, March 28, 2001

Response to ADMIN - OG banned from Timebomb

Darn, I miss all the fun. What's been happening over at EZBoard? I noodled around there this morning and didn't find any blood in the street -- nor much else of interest, to be honest. Sysops are now speaking with one voice, and something happened to cause the rules of engagement to be reposted. So fess up, OG, what mischief are you stirring up over there?

-- Anonymous, March 28, 2001

Response to ADMIN - OG banned from Timebomb

Coast Watcher, this thread inimates at something going on, but like you I couldn't really find out what happened last night. topicID=27336.topic

-- Anonymous, March 28, 2001

Response to ADMIN - OG banned from Timebomb


strange. the link you gave has already been deleted. at elast that is what ezboard is saying when i try to go into it. hmmmmm i missed it too. glad to hear Old Git is still a go.

-- Anonymous, March 28, 2001

Response to ADMIN - OG banned from Timebomb

mutter Try this. I just copied and pasted before so let's see if it works this time. topicID=27336.topic

-- Anonymous, March 28, 2001

Response to ADMIN - OG banned from Timebomb

Figured it out. When you copy what I have pasted for the url and put it in the address box, it adds %20 in the middle that doesn't belong there. If you remove that it works just fine. Weird.

-- Anonymous, March 28, 2001

Response to ADMIN - OG banned from Timebomb

Cheat sheet--JUST SUBSTITUTE A SIDEWAYS V, you know, one of these < or one of these > for the parens ( ) you see below:

To Make a Link Within a Post: (a href=http://PUT YOUR URL.COM HERE(/a)

which will give you a blue-highlighted link showing the URL



Result: a magic blue link showing AND ITS NAME


To Make an Image Within a Post



To Make an Active Email Address Within a Post

(a href=mailto:YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS@HERE.COM)e-mail

Result: a magic blue link showing e-mail


To Make a Quote Section Within a Post

(blockquote type=cite)(blockquote)(hr)"TEXT TO QUOTE"(hr)(/blockquote)(/blockquote)

Result: will show an indented quote preceded by Quote:


To Make Bold Text Within a Post (b)TEXT TO MAKE BOLD(/b)


To Make Underlined Text Within a Post



To Make Italicized Text Within a Post



To Make Centered Text Within a Post

(center)TEXT TO CENTER(/center)

-- Anonymous, March 28, 2001

Response to ADMIN - OG banned from Timebomb

They have now locked one of iona's threads,and Invar is stating that he will sue her for slander.


-- Anonymous, March 28, 2001

Response to ADMIN - OG banned from Timebomb

Iona is very likely a creation of the same folks who brought us the original version of LL. If you've noted "her" positing patterns, you will note that "she" appears about every 21 days or so, posts for about 48 hours, creates a big stink, and then leaves. Were this only happening on weekends, I would suspect a high school kid who is shipped off to the non-custodial parent's house, but it happens during the week.

Also, I highly doubt that Iona is in her 50s. I would guess early twenties or possibly younger.

Invar, I suspect, is a bored university prof in academic Siberia, possibly in humanities or poly sci, who is also into yanking chains.

I think what you might be observing, is a semi-organized attempt, possibly engineered by Ed Yourdon to shut down the board. I believe that Ed would like to bow out, but he can't do so publicly without a very good reason. He may even hope that Ez goes belly up. I certainly haven't seen him campaigning for posters to send in their $7.

Is that enough gossip and speculation for you, Barefoot? (grin)

-- Anonymous, March 28, 2001

Response to ADMIN - OG banned from Timebomb

fyi, I searched both iona's and my posts. Only the last two days showed up.

-- Anonymous, March 28, 2001

Response to ADMIN - OG banned from Timebomb

Oh yes, meemur, thanks!

there is a thread begging for reinstatement of DJ, which is now locked as well. 'course according to the rules there should have been flames awarded for it, but.....

I have had much chuckles of late just watching that board.

BTW, chuck is back, and is hale according to the tests he had undergone. Some good news there...

-- Anonymous, March 28, 2001

Response to ADMIN - OG banned from Timebomb

I'm very glad to hear about Chuck, Barefoot. I have met Chuck and T. when they were down at Easton about six months ago. They are absolutely wonderful people, and I hope that they'll get some breaks soon.

-- Anonymous, March 28, 2001

Response to ADMIN - OG banned from Timebomb

I went spring garden shopping, come back, and what did I miss, OG, DJ got banned, Chuck had something done, but is ok, and meemer likes IC and AL....anything else I need to know???? ;^ )

-- Anonymous, March 28, 2001

Response to ADMIN - OG banned from Timebomb

Well, Sar, there's trouble in the Middle East, again. Invar is threating a law suit against Iona, and Barefoot is giving up fudge! (NOT!!!)

I think I have spent too much time online today. Normally, I do other things while waiting for files to download, but today I surfed while that was happening. Talk about ongoing soap operas........

I hope that your shopping trip was successful. Did you ever get the email I sent you about my trip south?

-- Anonymous, March 28, 2001

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