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Chicago SunTimesBush rapidly wrecking civil rights, Jackson says
March 28, 2001
A look at President Bush's first 60 days in office shows he has moved quickly to destroy gains made for minorities, women, working people and the environment, the Rev. Jesse Jackson charged Tuesday.
Elected by a minority of the popular vote, Bush "has no mandate to reverse a half-century of civil rights," Jackson told the Sun-Times.
Yet, with the right-wing in control of the White House, House, Senate and Supreme Court, Jackson said, Bush and his supporters are pursuing that goal.
He attacked Bush for:
* Naming John Ashcroft as U.S. attorney general and Gale Norton as secretary of the interior.
* Eliminating family planning funding for groups that offer abortion counseling or lobby their governments in favor of abortion rights.
* Downsizing former President Bill Clinton's Initiative for One America.
* Promoting school vouchers although, Jackson said, studies show they will benefit no more than 10 percent of African-American students.
* Killing ergonomics legislation aimed at protecting workers who suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome and other disorders.
* Withdrawing Clinton's nomination of Roger Gregory, the first African American named to the 4th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals in Virginia.
-- Anonymous, March 28, 2001