Isn't it time for their bi-monthly bombing? : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Wednesday, March 28 2:02 AM SGT

Saddam calls for Arab armies to strike at Israel, ignores Kuwait

AMMAN, March 27 (AFP) - Iraqi President Saddam Husssein called Tuesday on Arab states to mobilise their armed forces to liberate the Palestinian territories, rejecting any deals with Israel.

In a speech read to the Arab summit in Amman by Iraq's number two Ezzat Ibrahim, Saddam told Arab leaders to build "an army of men as concerned to sacrifice themselves as the Zionists are concerned for their lives."

"We do not agree to any deals on Palestine, all of Palestine from the Jordan (river) to the Mediterranean, including Jerusalem, its crown."

The speech did not mention Kuwait, which Arab leaders are working to reconcile with Iraq, a decade after Saddam sent his troops into the oil-rich emirate and sparked the Gulf war.

Saddam has rallied Iraqis to the Palestinian cause, offering millions of dollars and fighting forces since the intifada or uprising against Israeli occupation erupted last September.

-- (Saddam r@llying. the peeps), March 27, 2001


US jet attacks Iraqi target A US warplane has attacked an Iraqi military target in what officials said was a response to recent Iraqi attempts to shoot down US and British pilots.The strike was the first in southern Iraq since American and British planes attacked several air defence sites around Baghdad in February.The attack was near the city of As Samawah on the Euphrates River, about 130 miles south of Baghdad, say US officials.

-- (, March 30, 2001.

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