ADMIN - Where do we put the OT type of posts? : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Hey Admins,

I looked at the topic headers, and I didn't see where to put the OT type of posts. We not allowed to have any OT anymore? *snif* *snif*

-- Anonymous, March 27, 2001


Response to [Admin] - Where do we put the OT type of posts?

OT stands for Off Topic, right?

what topic would fall into that category?

I guess you can just put [OT] in the header, and let someone else categorize it later. I dunno how to make a new category.

-- Anonymous, March 27, 2001

Response to [Admin] - Where do we put the OT type of posts?

I thought OT stood for old toad. LOL To me OT should still just be OT and archived as such.

-- Anonymous, March 27, 2001

Response to [Admin] - Where do we put the OT type of posts?

I hate to have an OT because people just lump everything into it, cos we're all basically lazy. If you don't know what the category is, leave it at the Don't Know thingie and some sysop--like me, since I'm a control freak--will figure it out. You can put DK in the title.

Oh, the only reason I'm encouraging abbreviated categories in the title is because then people can see what they are. I mean, if someone puts "You won't believe this!" and it turns out they walked around all day with spinach on their teeth or something, well, it helps to know it's funny (HUM) and not black helicopters (GEN), ya know?

-- Anonymous, March 27, 2001

Response to [Admin] - Where do we put the OT type of posts?

Hey David!

I thought it meant "over the top" (grin).


-- Anonymous, March 27, 2001

Response to [Admin] - Where do we put the OT type of posts?

I thought it mean 'ot toddy! hic!

-- Anonymous, March 27, 2001

Response to [Admin] - Where do we put the OT type of posts?

Forgot to mention--if you leave the thingie at Don't Know, your thread goes into a category called Uncategorized. Sounds like Off Topic to me! Every now and then I check Uncat and file the threads where I think they fit. There's only a couple in Uncat at the mo.

-- Anonymous, March 27, 2001

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