Chapters in VCD-Originals : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Hello I want to make chapters in a movie. I have made menus that link to entry points and it works bit this is not what I want. What I want is, If I'm watching the movie and I press the Next button, the movie goes to the next chapter. If I press PREV, the movie goes to the previous chapter. Is it possible to do this?I live in Spain, and here there isn't original vcd's on the shops. If someone has an original vcd, please let me know if they work as I say. If the answer is Yes, let me know the number of tracks of the vcd, the number of scenes, the number of menus etc Thank you
-- jose (, March 27, 2001
EZCD Creator created VCD's does just that with thebutton. I've never tried it with the button. I'm sure that other "menuing" software does the same.
-- me (, March 28, 2001.
You can make menus to most VCDs. The bad part is like an LP there may be a small delay in the tracking as it goes to the next file.
-- thePest (, April 01, 2001.