ADMIN - Meet your sysopses, um, sysopsi, er, administrators : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Hilltop Duchess Barefoot Mailman Fiatlux Gordon Brooks Sue (SAR01) Peter Carl Maggie Maher Beckie David an' me

Seems like a lot but not really--we're not all always online and we all like to read and/or post rather than do chores. If I'm hit by a bus just as a troll invades, you should know HD and BM are also KRELs (Keepers of the Real E-mails List) and DOGs (Deputy Old Gits). Everyone else is a JOG (Junior Old Git). I'm a SOG (Superior Old Git). The rest of you are OGWABs. (Old Git Wannabes.) LOL at my silliness!

-- Anonymous, March 26, 2001


Response to Admin - Meet your sysopses, um, sysopsi, er, administrators


And I thought I was a FROG (FRiend of Old Git)

Andy N.T.A.

-- Anonymous, March 26, 2001

Response to Admin - Meet your sysopses, um, sysopsi, er, administrators

Yesssss! FROGs, that's it! Clever lad!

-- Anonymous, March 26, 2001

Response to Admin - Meet your sysopses, um, sysopsi, er, administrators

Me a FROG, too.


-- Anonymous, March 26, 2001

Response to Admin - Meet your sysopses, um, sysopsi, er, administrators

Ribbit....R-i-b-b-i-t :)

-- Anonymous, March 26, 2001

Response to Admin - Meet your sysopses, um, sysopsi, er, administrators

you are too much!!!!!

-- Anonymous, March 27, 2001

Response to Admin - Meet your sysopses, um, sysopsi, er, administrators

For all our F.R.O.G.'s

-- Anonymous, March 27, 2001

Response to Admin - Meet your sysopses, um, sysopsi, er, administrators

Snort! In fact, really big snort! ROTBLMAO! Bed, not water bed any more :( But less likely to disturb Sweetie and the cats with wave action!

-- Anonymous, March 27, 2001

Response to Admin - Meet your sysopses, um, sysopsi, er, administrators

I'm an Old Git Wannabe. Not in the physical sense, but in the spiritual one. Always have loved her way of dealing with "situations".

-- Anonymous, March 27, 2001

Response to Admin - Meet your sysopses, um, sysopsi, er, administrators

As I was reading all the post and then suddenly saw SAR's frog, just totally cracked me up! Thanks SAR!

-- Anonymous, March 27, 2001

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