Batteries for the 550EX : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

I have been using the Duracell Ultra's for my 550EX. Fairly good recycling time and they are good for the entire wedding. Any tips on other types of batteries that would be rechargeable?

-- David Pascolla (, March 26, 2001


I use Nikel-Metal Hydride batteries in mine. They give faster recycle times than alkaline, and of course have the advantage of being rechargable. The mA rating varies from one brand to the next, but I haven't seen any that were less than 1200 mA. The ones I use are 1300 mA, Sears store brand (Diehard), and do fine. I think Kodak makes some that are 1600 mA. Check for some ideas of what is available. They have a better selection than most stores.

-- Brad Hutcheson (, March 27, 2001.

Radio Shack makes some excellent, though somewhat expensive, NiMH rechargeables that are roughly 1600 mA.

-- AC Gordon (, March 27, 2001.

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