Painted F4S Wheels Gold? : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Has anyone with an F4S painted their wheels, swing arm, and outrigger plates gold to match the Oro? If so what product did you use and what are problems with doing this? TIA, Ted

-- Ted Wentz (, March 26, 2001


Why would you want to?

-- andy (, March 26, 2001.

Yes I have. I dropped it at the track so decided to paint it while apart. I used two pack "Marchisini" Gold gloss on wheels and flat on frame and swingarm (from a Ducati specialist). The result is simply stunning and is the way it should have come from the factory!. The looks I get from confused people is priceless. Hell I get people lining up to take photos.

-- Greg Albert (, May 13, 2002.

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