ENER - Robt. Waldrop Launches New Energy Websitegreenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread |
For those of you who are unfamiliar with Robert Waldrop, he is a tireless worker and defender of the poor in Oklahoma. He is the author of the "printable flyers" and an excellent website on living frugally.He announced that he has started a new Energy Website.
-- Anonymous, March 26, 2001
sorry about the header! Should read: ENER
-- Anonymous, March 26, 2001
Robert Waldrop has put out many great "printable flyers". I have a great deal of respect for his effort and seemingly tireless energy. Thanks for posting this, meemur!
-- Anonymous, March 27, 2001
I am MOST happy to tell you all that Robert applied for the password and it has just been sent. So good to see so many valuable people over here.
-- Anonymous, March 27, 2001
Thanks for all the nice comments. I'm glad to have found this forum, and run into old friends. We'll see what interesting and useful tidbits we can find to share.Robert Waldrop, Oklahoma City
-- Anonymous, March 27, 2001
PS to my previous message. The new scenario that I have written about "Life during the Great Decline" is posted at my new energy conservation website at Decline Scenario . Bon apetit!
-- Anonymous, March 27, 2001
Thanks Robert, for joining us and a big welcome to you.
-- Anonymous, March 27, 2001
Afternoon Robert,Just my kind of site! Thank you.
-- Anonymous, March 27, 2001
And a welcome from me, too! I told you that you deserved a wider audience. This is only the beginning.
-- Anonymous, March 27, 2001