I'm back, BABY!!!!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Junkyard Wars : One Thread

Hi Folks:

Just a quick note to let you know that my computer got hit by a virus, so I've been busy trying to get it back online. I'm posting from work during a break because I want to let everyone know I hadn't quite gone off the deep end yet.

Anyone find out when they plan to tape our series since they have pushed back contacting us? I would hope they'll give us at least a few weeks (a month would be great) to get vacation time, etc.

Anyway, I'll try to update our website tonight. I'll update it as I watch the rerun tonight.

-- Joey Falgout (Broadcast Junkies) (joeyinalexandria@hotmail.com), March 26, 2001


Virus huh?

Damn porn sites...***lol***

-- Dan Denney (Rustrenegades@hotmail.com), March 28, 2001.

He wishes!!!!! It was actually my fault, I opened something I should have left alone, It was bulk mail...so please beware!!!

-- Brunella Falgout (wife of Joey with the Broadcast Junkies) (cajunwitch@hotmail.com), March 29, 2001.

Lick my hariy ball sacks, biiiatch!

-- Ben Dover (lickpuss@hotmail.com), January 27, 2004.

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