Wisdom from the old ones

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Setting a special category for David's wonderful stories.

-- Anonymous, March 25, 2001


Or trying to, anyway. . .

-- Anonymous, March 25, 2001

Oh, thanks, Brooke, was going to do that tonght. I think David will need some help on moving them over--also SAR still needs help moving the Sustainable threads. All Admins still have access to the old forum; can't post but I think you can still move threads. If not, you can temporarily remove the security features.

-- Anonymous, March 25, 2001


Phew! So, here's where ya'll are hidin' David, and Wisdom from The Old Ones!

Just checkin' in, and trying to get this all figured out. :)


-- Anonymous, March 25, 2001

SQ, how's your health now that you've been taking CoQ10 and stuff?

-- Anonymous, March 25, 2001

Afternoon, Meemer!

My health, in general, has improved greatly; but where I've actually noticed the greatest improvement is within the areas of energy and mental clarity. Both have been boosted in a very noticiable way. Amazingly, the old "brain fog" is becoming a thing of the past. The addition of the CoQ10, and Kelp, is definately something I would suggest to anyone. I am, by the way, taking a daily dose of [130mg] of the CoQ10. Started out with 90, went to 120, upped it to 130, and am sticking with that as my maintanence level dose.

Now... all that aside, once I get past this blasted super-flu, I'll be a truly happy camper. :) Ahhhhhhchooooooo!!


-- Anonymous, March 25, 2001

Glad to hear that, overall, you're doing better! Sorry to hear you've got that blasted flu. I think it's chemtrail-related, but I won't swear to it if you're a non-believer in them (can't remember, sorry!)

Brooke, I didn't realize that you are also Hilltop Duchess. Are you also Donna of the Sheets of the Hill (I got the handle wrong) or was that Krit? I can't keep track of all these name changes.

I was Lady Buckeye and Lady Buckeye_59 for awhile, but that was too long of a handle and people kept confusing it with Lady Logic, so I changed it to Meemur, which is my cat Murphy's middle name.

Anyway, Brooke, the link works for me now. Cool!

-- Anonymous, March 25, 2001

Brooke, I didn't realize that you are also Hilltop Duchess. Are you also Donna of the Sheets of the Hill (I got the handle wrong) or was that Krit? I can't keep track of all these name changes.

Anyway, Brooke, the link works for me now. Cool!

Naw, I'm just me. Got that nickname ("Duchess") from my SO. . . Donna of the Sheets is someone else entirely different. . .someone I haven't talked to in a long while (too long!) and would love know how she's doing.

Krit, as far as I know, has always been "Kritter".

-- Anonymous, March 25, 2001


"I think it's chemtrail-related, but I won't swear to it if you're a non-believer in them (can't remember, sorry!)" You can go ahead and swear to it, Meemur, it's safe... I've taken the "I believe in chemtrails" oath (grins). It could be. I don't know for sure, but it hit all us us hard, and at the same time. Unfortunately, I hadn't checked for chemtrails that day. Down here, in the panhandle, we get then a lot... but "they're just normal contrails", doncha know? Uh, huh. I get so tired of hearing that!


-- Anonymous, March 25, 2001

Sqrl Grl, stay away from this guy. . .

-- Anonymous, March 26, 2001

Donna is moment@pacbell or something like that. she in the sheet on the hill. right? I used to have her addy, but lost it in the crash of whenever it was.... LOL

funny cartoon!

-- Anonymous, March 26, 2001

That's her, the sheeted one. . .

-- Anonymous, March 26, 2001


Uh... yeah. I'll do that! Eeeee-yuuk! :)


-- Anonymous, March 26, 2001

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