Don't mind me. . .just trying something out. . . : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

-- Anonymous, March 25, 2001


Ok. . .that's on a 'good' hair day. . .

This is on a 'bad' hair day. . .

-- Anonymous, March 25, 2001

Bored, are we???

-- Anonymous, March 25, 2001

Actually, just trying to remember some basic html. . .

-- Anonymous, March 25, 2001


I think we need a new category, entitled Absolutely Indispensable HTML Stuff.

Then we need another one, Absolutely Indispensible Links.

The Absolutely will ensure they go at the top of the list of archives :)

Will do that later, unless someone wants to volunteer, hint, hint.

-- Anonymous, March 25, 2001

Here's a link I found elsewhere. . .I've not looked at everything there, but seems to have quite a few links and information.

HTML University

-- Anonymous, March 25, 2001

Hee, hee... the scraggly-haired one looks like what I've been feeling like lately.... AAAAchhoooooooo!! Sniffle. Hack, hack, choke, hack. Anyone got a clean hankie they can loan me? I promise to sanitize it, before I return it. (grin)


-- Anonymous, March 25, 2001

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