burned svcd with nero and made menu in it but then....greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Ok I burned a movie to Svcd with Nero and also made a menu for it...when I open it op in Windvd and start it, it works fine... it shows the menu...but how do I play the movie.... The name of the movie is in the menu but I can't click on it and when I choose play next chapter it doesn't work either......????????????/please help
respect and greetz...
-- martin (m.warring@home.nl), March 24, 2001
Well, if you didn't have a bootleg version of Nero 5.5 I'd suggest that you write Nero about it.
-- Nick (nick@rightstep.org), March 25, 2001.
Martin, Nero 5.5 does not create true menuing. One should be able to navigate using the arrows, and then select play. But Nero doesn't do that. You can play the chapter by pressing the digit key on your keyboard - Sucks!On the other hand, I like the 'slide-show' in this version. It adjusts your slide-show nicely, if you don't have the correct format. It also encodes the VCD for you (from .AVI)!
-- VideoHobby (videohobby@yahoo.com), March 30, 2001.
The menue is for selecting your start point. On your remote press 1 for part 1, 2 for part 2 etc.. If you didn't split the film up and the menu shows only one little picture from the video, then just press 1 and it will work. Try that. That is how it works for me.
-- Murray (therealmurr@hotmail.com), February 13, 2004.