NatDis - Earthquake report charts : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread |
-- Anonymous, March 23, 2001
-- Anonymous, June 23, 2001
-- Anonymous, June 26, 2001
When I heard about the one in Peru on the news, they said there was no chance of a tidal wave as a result of the quake, which was off shore.Then last night I heard that a lot of damage was done by a tidal wave caused by the quake, and that the quake was bigger than first thought.
don't you just love it when the experts are wrong or don't agree?
Sure am glad I don't live there.
-- Anonymous, June 26, 2001
Looking at the quake chart, did Peru just have another huge one? It shows the two before, then a huge pink on (most recent). It shows the one in Washington yesterday as small and orange.
-- Anonymous, June 26, 2001
Funny you should ask. I cut and pasted some info here.
-- Anonymous, June 26, 2001
Just looking, it appears one just happened (sometime today) in/around Alaska. Appears to be a pretty good sized one based on the size of the diamond (or square).
-- Anonymous, June 26, 2001
Peru just had another one.
-- Anonymous, June 27, 2001
Here are the last several EQs: 2001/06/27 14:45:35 2.8 WASHINGTON
2001/06/26 17:27:47 5.2 NEAR COAST OF PERU
2001/06/26 14:05:37 5.7 S YUKON TERRITORY, CANADA
2001/06/26 04:18:31 6.8 NEAR COAST OF PERU
2001/06/26 02:48:06 4.3 ALASKA PENINSULA
2001/06/25 19:44:45 4.8 NEAR COAST OF PERU
For more info, go here
-- Anonymous, June 27, 2001