"White male" jokes are sexist and racist

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Heterosexual white men can be mocked in a racist and/or sexist fashion with impunity. It's also still acceptable in many environments to denigrate unattractive or obese people.

It is sad and ironic that the women's rights and civil rights movements fought for equality... but some members of these groups duplicate the same behavior they fought to end... bigotry and bias. Perhaps worse is that some "white males" believe this discriminatory treatment is justified. In Pat Conroy's first book, he describes himself as so full of white guilt that if a black person asked him to drink a glass of piss, he would've only asked for a straw.

"White" jokes, "black" jokes. The people who tell these jokes are bigots, plain and simple.

-- I (amnot@mused.com), March 23, 2001


Jerkoff. I don't hate ALL white guys, just the ones who assume some sort of superiority. (Which are the majority of them.)

Let me ask you this.....why would a white guy feel guilty if he didn't do anything wrong? Answer: He wouldn't.

Q: Why are white men like laxatives? A: They irritate the shit out of you.

-- (Truth@of the.day), March 23, 2001.

Racist and/or sexist attitudes and deradation are wrong no matter who they are directed at. Society and the media (tv-movies-commercials etc) are guilty of propagating these attitudes. Write the company who's advertizement belittles the white male parent/spouse and tell them you will not buy their product as long as they run bigoted/sexist/ commercials denigrating anyone, including white males.

Write the makers of shows which do the same thing and tell them you will not buy products advertized during their shows as long as these themes are propagated, and cc the advertizers in the same e-mail or letter. It is attitudes like this that influence kids to act the same way towards other kids, some of which have reacted to this accepted denigration by others by bringing guns to school and shooting people.

Remember, for every letter recieved by an entity by consumers, the entity believes 5,000 others hold the same feelings.

-- Cherri (jessam5@home.com), March 23, 2001.


You nailed it. White guy TOTD doesn't like it. He is probably out of straws.

-- (Paracelsus@Pb.Au), March 23, 2001.

I've already seen your pathetic arguing techniques on another thread. So you don't like people who act "superior." There is a big difference between an individual behavior and gender, skin color or other inherent characteristics. White men do not have a genetic predisposition to acting "superior," although with a chip on your shoulder or an inferiority complex it may seem like it to you.

If a your house was robbed by a Hispanic man, would you conclude all Hispanic men are thieves? If you met a rude woman from France, is her rudeness directly related to her gender... or might there be cultural differences in what you and she consider polite behavior.

The problem is not pale skin or a penis... the problem is you.

-- I (amnot@amused.com), March 23, 2001.

Go ahead and waste your time, airy cherri.

Maybe before you do that you could tell us WHICH commercials denigrate white males?

Let me clue you in on something. There ARE commercials that denigrate white males but they're too stupid to recognize it! Just check out any Bud-wi-zer commercial.

Now, for your daily truisms:

Why White Guys Have All The Luck

A white guy's butt is never a factor in a job interview.

A white guy's orgasms are real. Always.

The garage is all his.

He doesn't have to curl up next to a hairy butt every night.

Foreplay is optional.

Car mechanics tell him the truth.

He doesn't give a rat's ass if someone notices his new haircut.

The world is his urinal.

Same work . . . more pay.

Wrinkles add character.

He doesn't have to leave the room to make emergency crotch adjustments.

The occasional well-rendered belch is practically expected.

New shoes don't cut, blister, or mangle his feet.

Porn movies are designed with him in mind.

Not liking a person does not preclude having great sex with them.

-- (Truth@of the .day), March 23, 2001.

truth keep dreaming fantasyland

-- (cin@cin.cin), March 23, 2001.

While laughing at the expense of another has never been a good idea, how many folks laughed at Curly, Larry, and Moe getting hit, a pie in the face, etc.? How many YEARS were Polish jokes told with the implication that Poles were stupid? How many YEARS have BLONDE jokes been told with the same implication? [I STILL get them in my inbox.]

There have ALWAYS been jokes based on stereotypes of a particular group. Norman Lear's All in the Family sitcom was popular for YEARS, simply because it pointed out a stereotype.

My son is a white man. My daughter [by some miracle of fate] still has blonde hair at 22. My son is a FAR cry from Archie Bunker, and my daughter is ANYTHING but dumb. This doesn't mean that I can't find some humor in the jokes that stereotype them. Hell, my cousin and I routinely share Norwegian jokes that sterotype US. Lighten up and laugh a little. Laughter seems to be in shorter supply than electricity in California.

-- Anita (Anita_S3@hotmail.com), March 23, 2001.

"White male" jokes are sexist and racist...

Yeah. True. But I doubt they will do enough harm to white guy's standing in society to get all het up about. The worst thing about them is they are so formulaic that the fun wears off pretty quickly and they all start to sound like the same joke you already heard fifteen times.

If they are really funny, then more power to them. If they are just used as a way to justify being petty and mean-spirited, by throwing a cloak of humor-immunity over a slur, then most people will see through that in a hurry and it will only hurt the teller of the "joke" more than the target.

Sorry, Truth of the moment, but we have it rigged so you can't win for losing.

-- Little Nipper (canis@minor.net), March 23, 2001.

You're right, Nip. So, as far as I'm concerned, ain't no point getting too upset aboudit. Most of the jokes I posted were just jokes that used somebody else for the punch line and I inserted "white male".

Unfortunately, there are people who really have been upset by my trolling because either they feel they really are discriminated against or the feel for people who are (FS comes to mind). In a perfect world we would all have equal pay for equal quality of work, equal opportunity for advancement, equal access to credit, housing, and all the things that provide quality of life. That day ain't going to come any time soon, so permit us our time to mouth off in cyberspace occasion.

-- (Truth@of the .moment), March 23, 2001.


Do you find the same humor in "black" jokes? Do you think the stereotypes about women and PMS are funny? Should we lighten up and laugh a little when jokes are the at the expense of the disabled? Your post is the equivalent of, "Hey, some of my best friends are (fill in the blank)." Sad.


You and Anita should get along well. You seem to think it's OK to denigrate a person based on gender or race because, in your opinion, it does not hurt their social status. The worst thing about racist or sexist jokes is that the damages people and treats them as stereotypes rather than individuals. How can this be funny?


What a load of crap. People are not equal. Michael Jordan could make $25 million a year playing basketball because he had a skill you don't. The simple fact is that some people are smarter, more skilled or work harder than others. Your right is to equal treatment under the law and equal access to opportunities. Some people will take this opportunity and become successful. Other people will sit on their ass and bitch that life isn't fair. Sound familiar?

-- I (amnot@amused.com), March 23, 2001.

I agree with your observation.

Apparently you missed where I said, "equal quality of work".

"Quality" being the operative word.

-- (Truth@of the.moment), March 23, 2001.


When everyone gathers 'round the dinner table around here, we have the black guy I live with, my white son, my blonde daughter, and the daughter whose hair turned light brown just like mine. You betcha we laugh at it all. We HAVE no guilt in any of these areas, so we can look at jokes for the humor intended.

I must admit that I still don't understand some of the "inside" jokes, like those used in Spike Lee movies, but I'm starting to catch on. When we hear everyone laughing in the theatre, I whisper to SO, "I don't get it." He whispers back, "I'll explain it when we get home." He does.

-- Anita (Anita_S3@hotmail.com), March 23, 2001.

A young ventriloquist was touring the clubs and stops to entertain at a bar in a small town. He was going through his usual run of stupid blonde jokes, when a big blonde woman in the fourth row stood up on her chair and said:

"I've heard just about enough of your denigrating blonde jokes, Jerk! What makes you think you can stereotype women that way? What does a person's physical attributes have to do with their worth as a human being? It's guys like you who keep women like me from being respected at work and in my community, of reaching my full potential as a person ... because you and your kind continue to perpetuate discrimination against not only blondes but women at large ... all in the name of humor."

Flustered, the ventriloquist tried to apologize, when the blonde piped up, and screamed at him,

"You stay out of this, Mister. I'm talking to that little creep on your knee"!

-- Uncle Deedah (unkeed@yahoo.com), March 23, 2001.

Are lawyer jokes still OK?

-- Uncle Deedah (unkeed@yahoo.com), March 23, 2001.

Let's see... Males are 45% of the US population... White males are 84% of the US population (.45 x .85 = .38)... And gays claim they are 10 % of the population (.38 x .90 = .34).

So white male normals make up about a third of the population, making them a definite minority. Now, you may think it's OK to do minority bashing, and that's your get out.

Me, I'm in your shoes, I'm doing some serious thinking why such a minority supposedly has so much power. I'm gonna study them. I'm gonna be them, because I wish to have power and money.

I can either denigrate and feel superior in my hipness, thinly veiling my own fears... or I can be one of that small minority, the boys. I think I'd rather be rich and powerful than hip, smug, and poor.

-- OK (LookyLoo@Yoo.hoohoo), March 23, 2001.

Are lawyer jokes still OK?

I have a neighbor who is a lawyer. She tells some of the BEST lawyer jokes. If we can't laugh at ourselves, who can we laugh at?

-- Anita (Anita_S3@hotmail.com), March 24, 2001.

Q: If we can't laugh at ourselves, who can we laugh at?

A: Foreigners. They have funny accents and eat funny food. Also, booger jokes are loads of good clean fun.

-- Little Nipper (canis@minor.net), March 24, 2001.

Truth why do you hate being black?You stinky boy right? I am Iranian,you hate me?you racist ape.

-- Yulio (rover@wesda.com), March 25, 2001.

OK, let's face it - Racism is here to stay whether we like it or not. We (white males) get blamed for every damned thing that goes wrong anywhere, and are never credited appropriately for our good deeds and accomplishments.

Love us or hate us, we make the world run, and well, I think that's why everyone hates us.

People are "allowed" to make jokes about white males because we're considered the majority, and therefore it's ok. It's fine by me - Hell if they're funny, I'll laugh right along...

The problem is, if I come up with a funny ass steriotype about a black man, I can't use it...

It's reverse discrimination if you asked me, but who really cares.

White men still run the world and we always will whether we repsent 1% or 50% of the population - And that's what pisses everybody off.

-- Mr. T - The White Version (briant@speedfactory.net), May 28, 2001.


-- TJ (tejanojohnson@yahoo.com), July 13, 2001.

It is a double standard that European American Men have to live with that we are seen as the one's "in control" as if there is some advantage to being a Caucasian Male, if that were true then no Caucasian Males would be in debt or poverty. And I think it is complete reverse racism to say that we can not be proud of who we are in a world where everyone else has something to be proud of. And in the end the truth shall be shown that we were not the racist and sexist ones. If you teach self loathing, what do we have left? Columbine is what happens, The Oklahoma City bombing is what happens, do we need more! More will come indefinately if this teaching of self loathing to "White" males continues in schools, in society as a whole. No one can seems to understand except Caucasian Males. In public school we are tught that we are the source of all racism and sexism, we are taught not to be proud of any acomplishments of our ancestors, we are taught to forget who we are. We are taught to be neutral, hollow, empty. If one has no heart for itself and the world, it becomes his enemy.

When does a mother and father stop loving thier son? When they teach him to hate and destroy and to reject anything "sensitive". To put everyone else before yourself and to feel shame in who you are.

Hate will only bring it back to the world, for all shall to see.

We need to stop excluding people based on race and gender. We need to have more open minds and hearts and LISTEN to one another and let your judgements go.

For this will be the only way we as humans will ever see peace.

-- Chad (Chad@HisMail.com), July 22, 2001.

An old Deedah joke...

A girl goes into her Doctor for a check-up complaining about "hormonal" problems, so the Dr. prescribes testosterone for her and tells her to come back in four weeks.......so she returns and he asks her if there are any side-effects from the testosterone treatments........ "Unk D" : and she says "Yes, I'm growning hair in new places" "Unk D" : "Where"? asks the doctor..... OH, like on my balls....

-- number six (!@!.com), July 23, 2001.

How many white men does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

One, white men will screw anything.

-- (chair woman@NOW.convention), July 23, 2001.

A Black dude shows up at the Pearly Gates and asks St. Peter to let him in.

“Not so fast” says St. Pete, “I need to ask you some questions before you can be admitted”.

“Like what?” says the dude.

“Well, for instance, have you ever done anything significant with your life during the time spent on Earth?”

“What’s that significant shit mean?” asks the dude.

St. Pete replies, “ as an example, have you ever done something noteworthy or been featured in a media report?”

“Bet your ass I have” snorts the dude, “I made the front page of every paper in my home state of Alabama”.

“Is that so” says St. Pete, “What did you do to get such press?”

“Oh man, I got me this fine little white woman and was making sweet love with her right on the steps of the State Capital building in the middle of the afternoon.”

Shocked, St. Peter asks: “Just when did this happen?”

Black dude looks at his watch and replies, “Bout’ 10 minutes ago”.

-- Jackie (the@joke.man), July 23, 2001.

I love to go down to the schoolyard and watch all the little children jump up and down and run around yelling and screaming...They don't know I'm only using blanks.

--Emo Phillips

-- Uncle Deedah (unkeed@yahoo.com), July 23, 2001.

did unk really write that?

-- (me@myself. ni), July 23, 2001.

I think 2 things about all this. (1) People need to lighten up a little, and (2) People need to chill on the hatred. Everything in life is best if balanced. I am SO sick and tired of people blaming everybody and everything else for things in their life. From "Amos and Andrew": "If it rains and you get wet, it's because you're black." You can replace black with "female", "Polish", "White", ... whatever. People love to whine and blame everyone else for their lives. YOUR LIFE IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT - IT'S NO ONE ELSE'S FAULT!

Life is 10% what you make it, 90% how you take it. I can't stand hateful, bigoted white people always grouping entire races into categories they hate. I also can't stand hateful, bigoted black people always blaming white people for things. I'm a white (Native American) woman. I've heard black people (more than one) tell me that blacks don't want equality, they want superiority. So stop with the "white people think they're superior" bit - you could say the same thing about any other race.

Let's face it, some races have reasons for hating other races - blacks and whites alike. But regardless of your environment, most intelligent people (black or white) would admit that just because people are a certain way in your sphere of existence, doesn't mean it's an accurate reflection of the world or of an entire race. Just because the white or black people you've dealt with mostly suck, doesn't mean the whole race does.

So basically, lighten up. If you hear a joke about your race or gender, laugh (or don't), but don't get all riled up - you can't control or change other people, only yourself. You're not responsible for their actions or words, only your own response to it.

-- Amy Rizzo (amy_rizzo@hotmail.com), October 17, 2001.

you guys all pretty much suck...

-- Charles Barkley (IamCharles Barkley@IamCharlesBarkely.com), October 27, 2002.

I ran across this site while looking for jokes against white people. wanna know something interesting? I can't find any, but i can sure find plently of pages with jokes like "how do you keep blacks out of your backyard? hang one in the front", with the webmasters claiming that it's not racist to put them up. quite simply, jokes against whites really don't exist on any measurable scale, you're complaining about nothing because you want to be a "victim".

-- Alex G. (Paganknights@usa.net), November 04, 2002.

Yibbidy yabbedy yabba!

-- ain't it the truth (aint@it.though), November 06, 2002.

ok.............ok........well, this is possibly the dumbest thread ever but u see white people arent actually racist we are just too laid back to care anymore since all the old jokes are no longer funny these are hilarious alternatives and i would really enjoy hearing some white jokes because we love laughing at ourselves. Its nice to join in with someone and create some hilarious jokes without being labelled a racist since we are not.

-- a "white" boy (elo@snet.net), January 13, 2003.

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