Spirit of Korah

greenspun.com : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

I am interested to know if anyone could share some insights on the SPIRIT OF KORAH according to Numbers 16.Have anyone have insight into this Scripture. I have recently read an article that speaks of how this spirit has penetrated the church of God and is present today in the people within our churches. Whats your opinion ?

-- Anonymous, March 22, 2001


Pastor Ursula: Thanks for the reference. As this passage from Numbers shows spiritual insurrrection can be extremely costly. Challenges to leadership is certainly not a recent phenomenon in the history of civilization. Korah's error was not only underestimating Moses' resolve but naievly believing that God would someone endorse such a plot filled with folly and deception. Unfortunately we find the Korahites amidst our ranks both past and present in the person of church splits, acrimonious church conference meetings and the ubiquitous disagreeable member. The only form of growth these "servants" desire is growth in selfish pride, not spiritual edification. As one Old Testament scripture emphatically states, "Touch not God's Anointed"!! QED

-- Anonymous, March 24, 2001

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