Republicans : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

"Republican in the dictionary comes just after ‘reptile’ and just before ‘repugnant,’" ...

... Julia Roberts

ROTFL!! Good one Julia!

It's true, look it up! They are right in between because they are a combination of the two!

-- (how true @ it. is), March 22, 2001


Thespians! The only one worth electing was Reagan.

-- Carlos (, March 22, 2001.

Reagan was a better actor than a president, and he was a LOUSY actor.

-- ("Uh, I don't recall" @ Iran. Contra scandal), March 22, 2001.

For all this Iran-Contra crap it got the guys home. Better than burned up helicopters and dead guys in the Iranian desert.

-- Carlos (, March 22, 2001.

Oops! Wrong thread.

-- Carlos (, March 22, 2001.

Poor Julia. First she marries Lyle Lovett and then she buys a Dictionary for Dummies.

In Webster's New World College Dictionary, the sequence is.... reptile, reptilian, republic, republican, Republican, republicanism, republication, republish, repudiate, repugn, repugnance, repugnant.

-- Lars (, March 22, 2001.

Looks close enough for me, thanks Lars!

-- (too true @ to be. coincidence), March 22, 2001.

liberal=underachieving bitter loser.At least we REPUBLICANS can proudly say:Clinton's a democrat!!! as far as julia whore,all of hollywood are liberals,they dont want to offend anyone who might buy a movie ticket!liberals=hypocrites,example:hollywood is mostly anti-gun liberals,gee...I wonder why 75% of their movies have gun violence in them?.....$$$$$$$$$......liberal=self-serving commie's...oh well WE WON....BUSH the KING!!!!!!!

-- Rob West (, March 22, 2001.

Hey Rob, shut up.

-- (, March 22, 2001.

Take it from the socialists to get their political spin from Julia Roberts!!!!!! pretty lame

-- oh julia! (, March 22, 2001.

Julia for prez in 2004!

-- Has better chance (than@Gore.2004), March 22, 2001.

In my dictionary, it goes (Oxford Desk Distionary and Thesaurus):

reprove, reptile, republic, republican, repugnance, repulse...

-- (, March 22, 2001.


-- Rex T. (, March 24, 2001.

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