Boeing, Going...Gone! : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

-- So (, March 21, 2001


They are pretty set on it being Dallas, guess they are going to have to learn to bribe and contribute to political campaigns. It doesn't work here, but it does there. But then they will have to get used to being told what to do and who to tell their workers to vote for.

-- Cherri (, March 21, 2001.


How could you have forgotten the whippings and enforced sterilizations of democrats they practice for political reasons in Texas? Your research is slipping -- surely you're not growing soft?

-- Flint (, March 21, 2001.

Never met a Texan yet I could tell a goddamned thing to. Relax Cherri. They'll vote their hearts & minds and their union will vote their dues.

-- Carlos (, March 21, 2001.

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