Hey "jammy" (jammin@with.jammy) How is that "repaired dot-com bubble" doing for purchasing your fleet of SUV's?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

NASDAQ back over 2000 - DOW back over 10,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-- jamming (up jammy's ass@big mouth.com), March 21, 2001


Dow at 9562 and still falling

-- jamming (up jammy's ass@big mouth.com), March 21, 2001.

I've decided to sell one of my SUV's. You want to buy?

-- jammy (jammin@with.jammy), March 21, 2001.

You may need to sell two now. Down almost 200 more points so far today at 9294

-- jamming (up jammy's ass@big mouth.com), March 22, 2001.

Forget it. I heard on the radio that we have hit rock bottom. This must mean that the market can go no where but up!!!!!!!! I'm going to buy me 2 more gas guzzlers, and drive them at 110 mph down the freeway!!!! Lead me or follow me, but don't stand in my way!!!!!!!!!!!

-- jammy (jammin@with.jammy), March 22, 2001.

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