problem when capturing using : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
i have bought snazzi for capturing video direct form my digital video camera (sony dcr-trv8e), but i face a problem that there's to many frame drop and the quality not really good. pleaseeee.
-- jafar darwis (, March 20, 2001
Does that version of Snazzi have a FireWire input?? If not, since you have a digital camcorder, you should consider an OHCI FireWire PCI card. Most such cards come with appropriate NLE apps intended exactly for video capture/editing. Examples are ADSPyro which now come bundled with Premiere6 and Dazzle DVC which come with UleadVideoStudio4. The other thing to mind is your PC: is it up to scratch??
-- Mehmet Tekdemir (, March 20, 2001.