Problems with : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I downloaded a movie from Kazaa and tried to burm it on a cd using Nero 5.0, but I received an error that said"Need MPEG-2 which was encoded for super video cd." Analysis of the file found -Stream encoding which is invalid for video cd -No video -No audio WHAT DO I DO?
-- Brandon Noletto (, March 19, 2001
You probably selected the "Super Video CD" mode. Please select the "Video CD" mode & try again.
-- Frederic (, February 27, 2002.
ok buddy, well u have to convert ur avi files that u downloaded into a vcd format, or mpeg1, i use cucusoft's avi to dvd converter, its rele good for converting avi, works with pal and ntsc and converts to everything, then stick it in nero and choose vcd!
-- Marvin Jones (, December 26, 2004.