What is this?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Poole's Roost II : One Thread

I don't watch much TV. Today I have seen this add 7 times. It pushes the Bush tax cut and encourages you to call your rep. Who is paying for this? I have not seen this kind of thing before. Is it folks who will profit from the "so-called" Bush recession?



-- Anonymous, March 18, 2001


Who do you think will profit from the "so-called" Bush resession? Who is referring to the current economy as the "Bush recession" anyhow? It's the Dems, right? IMO, they are the ones who strive to "profit" from it (politically).

-- Anonymous, March 18, 2001


Nope, it came from the Mooney [sic] press; but it is everwhere now.



-- Anonymous, March 18, 2001

Well, I don't know. I never watch commercial TV.

-- Anonymous, March 18, 2001

Hey Lars...why do we now need a tax cut to spur the economy? and additionally how is this insignificant amount of tax releif going to turn an economy with a GDP counted in the thousands of TRILLIONS?

Bout PR Lars. Bout perception.

-- Anonymous, March 19, 2001

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