Where can I get VCD off the net

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Where is a good place I can download VCD movies off the net , like anime or hentai

-- Jack McPrime (TOXIC_COMMAND@warhawks.zzn.com), March 17, 2001


Downloading VCD movies takes ages (upto 50 hours!). Why not buy them pre pressed onto CD - It doesn't fill up your computer either. A great independent guide to buying vcds is available on www.d8a.co.uk/vcd

and the prices start really low. You may want to try Mason at videocds.com - he is really helpfull! (And he speaks excellent english.)

-- Waynne Smith (hemail@ukfun.com), March 17, 2001.

I have cable internet I want to d/l VCDs off the net cuz I'm poor, and I fucken hate buying stuff off the net!

-- Jack McPrime (TOXIC_COMMAND@warhawks.zzn.com), March 18, 2001.

www.visionsvids.com - pop vids.

or do a search on google for 'vcd warez'

-- A N Ononmouse (Anon@anon.non), March 18, 2001.

come visit our site!!! We have alot of sellers. just look in the VCD selling room http://www.pir8.com/forums/

-- thepest (jamesthepest@aol.com), March 20, 2001.

have u tried using imesh? like napstre, but you can download mpegs' mp3, progs etc. there are a few films on there but you must be clever in what you ask for.

alternatively, try a binaries usergroup.

happy downloading.

-- No Clueİ (dj_no_clue@yahoo.com), April 30, 2001.

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