Adobe Premiere : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I am sorry for straying a little off topic here, but I know many of the regulars of this forum are experienced with Abobe Premiere so please bear with me. I have Premiere 6.0 and have been having problems exporting my video back to my digital camera. There seems to be two ways of doing this, export to tape and Print to Video. When I try to perform these functions I get choppy playback and pops in the audio on the dub copy. Is my CPU to slow for this operation? I have a 400 MHZ and that is my best guess. thanks in advance!

-- derek sider (, March 16, 2001


I had a similar problem with 5.1c. Unplug your Lan connection if you have one. That was my problem. Also your capture card has a lot to do with it. Does everything else work OK? Plays fine in Premiere in the edit windows? Can you make a title ok? Can you capture within Premiere?

-- Steeler (, March 17, 2001.

Hi Derek

I have just switched back to using Premiere after 18 months forced exile into MSP6. I have a P3 800 and it will not playback from the timeline to tape from either program. The only way I have achieved that with P6 is to "create" files and reload them in another project for direct playing to tape. I am sick of trying to find a solution so its into the get-around world again.

I am currently editing a 2 hour 16:9 shoot that I will DVD and SVCD direct from the timeline to TMPGEnc AND get this one, some get- around, I am running a 15000kb/s DVD VBR file direct with TMPGEnc to use with my Hollywood Plus decoder card to go to tape in 16;9 letterbox. Some GET-AROUND!

-- Ross McL (, March 19, 2001.

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