Update on Doc ...

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread

Just to update you: it's his paw. We're not sure what's wrong with it, but this is so much better than another joint problem. He might have a sticker or some glass, or an infection on the paw pad (he's had that before). Or Mochi might have bitten him on the paw, as she is wont to do.

We cleaned it up (even though we couldn't see anything), and we'll wait until we have a better idea of what's wrong and how bad it is before we take him to the vet. It doesn't seem to be very serious. Whew.

-- Anonymous, March 15, 2001


hurrah! *ear scritches for Doc*

-- Anonymous, March 15, 2001

That's fantastic, Beth. Symbol scared the bejeezus out of me one time, limping around pitifully after I picked him up from the sitter's (I had been out of town). Turns out mister big tough hunting dog had spent too much time in wet grass and gotten a fungal infection between his pads. Here's hoping Doc's is something similarly goofy-yet-affordable-and-not-tragic . . .

-- Anonymous, March 15, 2001


-- Anonymous, March 15, 2001

Great news, Beth!

I wanted to tell you I saw somebody walking a black lab in St. Paul the other day. The dog had this *huge* branch in his mouth as he trotted down the sidewalk, and I immediately thought of Doc, tragger of branches. I hope he's feeling better soon.

-- Anonymous, March 15, 2001

WOOHOO! I was wondering why you weren't writing about the dogs - and of course being worried explains it. I never even THINK about something I'm worried about - much less write it down! Good to hear it's just a paw. Whew! You must be so relieved!

-- Anonymous, March 15, 2001

Hoorah for the dog. Maybe while in recovery he can think up some catchy cat (as) food slogans.

-- Anonymous, March 15, 2001

Thanks for the update! Hope it's cleared up soon.

-- Anonymous, March 15, 2001

yay. I was equally worried about doc and beth! glad both are doing better!


-- Anonymous, March 16, 2001

I'm sorry to say that I updated too quickly. It turns out it's actually the joint above his paw -- his ankle, I guess. He had stopped limping by last night, but then he ran around a bit and it swelled up pretty badly. We iced it (ever try doing that to a dog?) and this morning the swelling is down. We're going to take him in tomorrow, I think, and in the meantime no walking, no playing, no fun whatsoever. He thinks he's fine now, but we learned our lesson.

-- Anonymous, March 16, 2001

Beth, do you think that maybe it could be because he's compensating on that side by putting more weight on the front paw, or another crapping degenerative thing? Poor little dude. I love the Doc and I'll be sending positive thoughts his way. Oh, and so will Zubie. Or he would if he knew what those were.

-- Anonymous, March 16, 2001

Gosh, what next? Hopefully it's just a strain and will heal soon. It's so hard being a parent to an animal. I wish they could just talk and tell us where it hurts!

-- Anonymous, March 20, 2001

What did the vet say about his joint? Do you think it's an injury resulting from favoring his hip?

You're a wonderful dog mom, and I bet Doc knows how lucky he is.

-- Anonymous, March 20, 2001

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